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Even she laughed at that feeling comfortable” well I for sure don’t recognize such a fellow I mean I never met acquaintance of such a I’m short of words to describe him let’s just say a cruel hearted young man?” I replied back with a confused smile. She laughed at this and said “ oh c’mon haven’t you even heard his name he is the MR.POPULAR you see” and she turned my face to where he was sitting and that’s when I saw his face for the first time I was too busy fighting off with him that I didn’t even look at his face and what I looked at was just amazing he could easily be mistaken with a Greek God I must say those blue eyes as deep as the ocean you could just drown in them his perfect jaw line each laugh line that formed  in his face said nothing less than perfect and his hair oh my god it was like he got them styled by professionals those brown hair with a glint of blonde just topped of his looks and those muscles complimenting the look all the more. “Miss Middleton!” this voice woke me up and realization hit me shit! I was staring at him all this time.

And I was caught by our teacher I’m so gone “Miss Middleton are you here in the class?” “I’m sorry sir” I said with an apologetic face but boy was I wrong Mr. Abraham wasn’t going to leave me that easily “people who don’t pay attention in my class are not needed here” he shouted his voice I swear could make a person’s eardrums burst and then I heard a giggle and I sure knew that voice too well uhh it was the Jerk again Mr. Abraham turned his face to his side and said “Mr. Vanderholt is there a problem over there and you are laughing at her as if you were paying attention in the class, well if u do want to laugh please care to  join Miss Middleton outside “ I smirked we both walked out of the class silently darting glares towards each other as soon as we were in the hallway we burst out at each other he said “you!! ever since you entered this class  you’ve been annoying me in every damn possible manner” I said with a sly smile “Haven’t you heard what goes around comes around?” oh his expression I wish I could take a snap it would be epic then came his reply “ You always have a good comeback don’t you?” “Yes I do” I said feeling proud “well let’s see how you come back with a good comeback this time why were you staring at me?” he said with a smirk, Shit! He saw me staring oh man my cheeks almost turned red but composing myself back again I said “How do you know that? Were you staring at me too?” he eyed me from top to bottom took one last glance and said “Nahh there’s nothing special in you for me to check you out definitely not!” he said sticking out his tongue  oh man he didn’t just say that now he’s definitely gonna get it from me “Yeah right as if I’ll check you out you think way too high of yourself don’t you think so? People nowadays I swear are just so lost in themselves” I said looking at the other side just then the period bell rang indicating the class over he walked away then turned around and said “See you later MISS CHANEL” winking Miss Chanel like seriously I just shot him a dirty look and walked away to attend my other class the rest of the classes went on fine till recess.

 I entered the cafeteria looked around for Scarlett but she was nowhere to be seen I assumed she was running late and found an empty table to sit down with my tray of food. People from all around the cafeteria were staring at me well I didn’t mind them much when suddenly there was a tap on my shoulder I looked up to find a tall  blonde girl wearing a pair of shorts and a crop top which I found rather revealing and definitely cheap but her being skinny and with that flawless skin she must have grabbed a lot of attention and on her either side I found two girls and just by the look of them I definitely knew they were the mean girls of this school. The blonde girl very sweetly said “ We need to talk” and the other two nodded in agreement as expected I could feel all eyes on us even the Vanderholt guy was eyeing me rather suspiciously.

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