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Here, I was raging in fury and he stood right there with a blank expression. As if nothing went wrong years ago,nothing that happened mattered to him. Oh wait,it didn't matter to him then, why the hell should I think it affects him now?

Even after all these years, that I've known him even though he was not present in some of them. Oh boy! the heart has spoken yet again as if a reply to my thoughts "He was present! forget about me so soon?" Yeah right. I practically rolled my eyes at my heart. Stupid organ! Couldn't choose a better time to speak up, now could it?

He had started his presentation and it had ended quite fast just for me though, in a blink of an eye to be accurate. Yes i was goggling at him, I mean who wouldn't look at that handsome devil? He still looked the same old. Those blue eyes still made my heart melt every time i saw them. When our eyes had met in the meeting i just couldn't believe that he was here right here. I'd even gone to the limits of pinching my own self to confirm this nightmare. "Not a nightmare. no lying Christine." Damn you heart!!! fine a daydream.

Those brown hair they seemed to be so silky, I wish I could run my hand through them. Okay concentrate on the meeting girl. That guy would never change would he now? every time he pointed out a benefit to the party which our company couldn't provide. He would smirk at me as if his presence wasn't much of an annoyance to me already. And as usual, nothing had changed I rolled my eyes at him as I used to before. I guess somethings never change. I smiled to myself.

He continued talking about the project and what trash my company was in front of his. I'd ignored all of those tricks that he had tried to make my temper rise. He knew I was short tempered and sure was trying to take advantage of it. But the poor kid failed miserably yet again. His presentation ended and it was almost lunch time so we decided to take a break.


I had ended the presentation on quite a good note. I knew I'd convinced them all that my company was the one who deserved to close this deal off. Sorry Miss.Chanel. It was lunch time. Everyone had started walking out of the room.

I saw her walking out the door. I can't miss this chance to talk to her. I quickly gathered my things and hurried out the door to find her. There she was, I'd started walking towards her when i was surrounded by my colleagues. I didn't want to get flattered by them now all I wanted was to go talk to her but these guys just wouldn't budge. That's when I pushed all of them aside and started running in her direction. "Miss Chanel!! Miss Chanel wait!!".

She heard me and stopped but didn't turn. A few moments passed when she turned to face me. "Miss Cha..." oh wait " Miss Christine I would like to have a word with you. How about lunch?". She stood there in shock for a moment but composed herself back again "Sure why not Mr.Vanderholt" Oh no! she sure wasn't happy with me. She'd never called me by my last name ever just at times when she was angry. It's going to be a tough conversation.

I walked towards her. She said goodbye to her colleague and told her to meet her after lunch. We walked in silence for a while, we were going nowhere in particular that's when she broke the silence "Where are we going?" "wherever you like" I replied. "Anything works for me" she replied with a shrug. "No it doesn't who are you kidding Miss Chanel? How about that Chinese restaurant right there" I pointed towards a little restaurant in the corner "You like Chinese right? See i remember it" I gave her a grin.

But to my dismay I didn't even get a smile and she replied "Preferences change over time Mr.Vanderholt I don't like Chinese anymore" "B—but you've always liked it before actually loved would be the word" I frowned. "It was in the past things have changed they're not the same anymore" "It has always been like that Christine...... okay i don't want to fight let's go to some other place you lead the way".

We stopped in front of a little restaurant. We entered together so kind of collided so I gave her way to enter first. We both had given our orders and there was awkward silence yet again. So I decided to break the ice this time "So how has life been huh?" She came back from her thoughts and said " It's the same old.... good I guess." She said no more. " who would've thought that our Miss Chanel would turn out to be one heck of a businesswomen?" I chuckled trying to lighten up the mood a bit. 

She still had that blank expression on and said at last " Aaron why are you here?" I laughed " what a dumb question Christine! for the meeting DUH!" "Aaron it's not funny, you know what i mean! I mean why did you think that this was the perfect day after all those years when you never contacted me to contact me? ask me for a lunch? why to break me all over again?" Those words shattered me.

"Christine just listen to me, to my side of the story you've got it all wrong and I know I acted like a jerkhead not to talk to you for years but it just didn't seem right back then" "Does it seem right back now Aaron?" "I just want to apologize to you for the way I acted I... I never meant it. I tried to contact you I swear I did but it just didn't work out and suddenly today here we are. Can't we just forget all about it and move on?" "Move on huh Aaron? it's just so easy right? I still haven't moved on and to your question as to how I became a Business tycoon the answer is you. Yes you heard me right it's you! to forget you i occupied myself with work and more work and more so that I can forget about you but I guess I never did" by this time i could see some tears forming in her eyes and one rolled down her cheek just in front of me. 

I couldn't bare to see her cry. I moved my hand towards her to wipe away those tears but she never gave me a chance. She just pushed my hand away and ran, ran out of the restaurant. "Christine wait!!" It was too late before I realized. The elevator doors closed and it was like Christine shut me out of her life. Those tears in her eyes they were because of me. I was shattered into pieces....... no she was just because of me, an idiot like me, she deserved just so much better now that I think of it, she had given me the perfect name jerkhead.


I ran away as fast as possible away from him,away from those memories,away from past. I ran out of the hotel on the street to be welcomed by pouring rain but I just didn't care. I ran to the nearest cafe ordered a coffee and a piece of cake. I ate almost nothing cause I was lost in all those memories all over again.

Those memories still haunt me. Meeting Aaron today just brought them all back to life for me. This sudden meeting that destiny had planned for us didn't go well if that's what you describe it. It was worse than anything that had ever happened. I'd blurted it all out and it just felt good, Yes, it did.

It wasn't his fault or mine. None of us had thought we'd end this way. I glanced at my watch to find that lunch time was over already so I paid and hurried out back to the hotel. I reached to find out that party wanted me&Aaron to collaborate and do this project together, as one.

We both had screamed at once "NO!" just like we'd in Abraham sir's class when we were declared lab partners. The party thought otherwise and left us both alone to talk over it. He spoke "Listen you don't have to do this if you don't want to it's better if we both go our own ways " I didn't say a word neither did he.

The party came back in after a while for an answer and this time it was me who answered "We have decided to do this project together". Aaron wore a surprised look on his face. This was a hard decision but I can't run away forever. I faced Aaron and whispered in his ears "It's time to move on from the past". And moved my hand towards him gesturing for a handshake. We shook hands and said "Deal". I gave him a weak smile and he returned it back.


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