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Heyy everyone! late update but I hope you enjoy it :) Author's note is in the starting today cause this chapter will be Christine and Aaron's highschool life. Enjoy reading!

Christine's P.O.V.

It is a school night and I'm wide awake. I sat on the laptop for a while but I got bored! I guess the world is not that happening today. BEEP my phone vibrates.

I look at it with half open half closed eyes everyone knows that feeling! It's a message from an unknown number. Oh great! another stalker, I open the message anyways.

Stranger- Heyya beautiful ;)

Uhh stuff and bother! I look at the time 3 am.

Christine- Heyy Aaron don't you think it's pretty late to disturb my beauty sleep?

Stranger- Aaron who? it's just your secret admirer ;)

Christine- really you gonna do that Aaron? don't you think it's way too old school go to sleep it's pretty late -.-

Aaron-damn how do you know everything?!

Christine- not all things are meant to be told ;)

Aaron- you know how much effort I had to put in order to steal your number from Paige's phone? you ruined it all! btw how did you get my number just curious... wait are you stalking me Miss Chanel?Stalker Miss Chanel ;)

Christine- stealing my number from your sister's phone tsk tsk bad... wait till I tell her ;P btw I didn't have your number I recognized the language since you're the only guy I know who is that dumb :P #notastalker P.S. I thought we were done with the nicknames JERKHEAD -.-

Aaron- uhh the smartypants Miss Chanel! and no we ain't gonna be done with those nicknames like ever ;P don't you like it?

Christine- oh the nickname is lovely *rolls eyes* so which project haven't you completed this time around?

Aaron - can't i text you without purpose? FYI I have all my projects completed thank you for your so called concern Miss Chanel -.-

Christine - nope you can't so what's up? and nice to know! no problem :)

Aaron- seriously?! there is no hidden motive behind texting you can't a guy just text to have a normal conversation?! what has happened to this world?!

Christine - *looks at you with scrutinizing eyes* fine i believe ya! so Jerkhead wanted to talk to me? OMG i feel so honored!

Aaron - you should be ;)

Christine- I got a text from you! *swoons*

Aaron- you love being sarcastic don't you?

Christine- Oh do I now?

Aaron- Stop already! now you're boring me :(

Christine- Oh I'm sorry your Majesty! is there any source of entertainment i could provide you with now?

Aaron- Thank you for your offer kind lady but I'm alright for now we could always talk though right?

Christine- Okay Aaron so what do you wanna talk about in the middle of the night?!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2015 ⏰

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