T w e n t y - S i x

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Christmas was coming around and Juniper was contemplating on wether to stay at the school for the last possible time. Christmas would always be at home, no matter the year but she had never experienced a Christmas at the school; something she always thought about but being the mummy's boy that James was, he would protest and naturally she'd cave in so they would still celebrate together.

Sat in a daze during breakfast, June was surrounded by everyone discussing what they were to be getting for Christmas and what plans they were making with family. Sirius and James were discussing a pub crawl when Sirius caught his lady's glossed eyed stare over the pancakes, her finger pressed against her lips as she bit her thumb nail. She was a million miles away.

"Baby?" He dipped his voice low, along with his head to match her gaze. Blinking and tossed a quick smile, she straightened her posture before grabbing another pancake. Squinting at the her unusual gestures, he kept watch on her.

As the day unfolded, Sirius witness the manic events of her burning her fingers on her cauldron during class, tripping on a tree root on the way to the owlery, walked into a door and went to the hospital wing for a nose bleed. He'd never seen her so clumsy. Excusing himself from the group during lunch, he headed up to the hospital wing to check on Juniper. He caught glimpse of her whimper as Madam Pomphrey readjusted her nose. With an meeting of eyes, June raised a little hand to wave, watching him lean against the door frame as Pomphrey finished wiping away dry blood.

"All done dear. Be careful next time. You can go"

Standing straight, Sirius stretched the room to help June down from the bed, keeping her close for a moment incase she was lightheaded.

"I haven't seen you this distracted since the first time we saw each other naked. What's eating your brain?" He muttered, now taking her empty space on the bed and pulled her to stand between his legs. With a light breathy sigh, she combed her fingers through his hair and back behind his ears.

"I've been writing to mum over the last few weeks about an idea I've had. She's come around to it after the points I made but I know James being the stubborn little boy he is, is going to protest and have a tantrum..." She moved her fingers down and rested it on his shoulders.

Smiling at the mention of Mrs Potter, he hugged her tighter "And what is this idea you have?"

"To spend Christmas here.... I've always wanted too and because it's our last year it's the only chance I get too now. It's dumb because you'll want to go home, James will definitely want to be with Mum and Dad, and Lily too... never mind..." She drifted away and tried to pulled back. His hands clamped onto her wrist tight, restraining her movement and forcing her attention towards him.

"No, not never mind. Juniper, has it ever occurred to you, that you don't need to worry about James anymore. His eyes are so stuck on little miss red head that he's not going to be that upset about it. And besides! Christmas at Hogwarts is a rarity now! You can always have Christmas at home!" Sirius comforted her shying thoughts. She grinned at his last point, reading her open mind .

"Exactly! I think it'll be ... festive!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Bye guys!! Juniper hugged each individual as they began to depart the common room, all excited to see their families.

James put his bags down besides Lilys and waited whilst she spoke with his sister. Now free, he walked over and dipped his head down. "Are you sure you won't come home?" He mumbled and his 'little' voice came out. James always put on a 'little' voice since he was roughly 3 when he was upset. He grabbed June in a python embraced, swaying them and humming slightly.

"James, be a big boy and spend the holidays with your girlfriend instead on your sister, you sad sack" June patted his head, trying to not to laugh at the naughty chuckles he made at the mention of Lily being his girlfriend. He would never grow up. Sirius stood by and watched, smiling as talked to Peter.

"Right. Padfoot you're up, last chance to convince her to come home. I'm not having you crawling back to her room and crying for another few weeks." James stood straight, wrapped his arms around a pouting Lily, who took hold on June's hand.

"No need" Sirius shrugged, a happy content smile perched on his face. Everyone was taken a back.

"Already cried?" Marlene suggested, snorting along with Remus - the pair of them were always taking the piss.

"Nope! No need to say goodbye" At this point June, folded her arms and glared at him. Did he smack his head!

"Padfoot, you're gonna single in a minute...." Peter hissed in his ear and jabbed his side yet there was a little smirk on his lips at the idea. Laughing, he took off his shoes and thick coat before waltzing over. Wrapping his arms tight around her waist and hands, he planted his kiss on her neck as always.

"I'm staying too!" 5 moments of silences passed before everyone gasped or chuckled. He was planning on going back with James but it quickly dawned on him that morning, he was to have the castle alone with June.... he'd be stupid to leave her alone and waste shenanigan worthy moments. Swivelling in his arms, June turned and pulled his lips to hers, wanting him closer and closer.

Throats cleared after time but they ignored it, happy to be wrapped up in the moment and wanted to let their shenanigans unfold right away. Quickly saying goodbye again, the group left and not a body was left in the common room apart from June and Sirius, swaying to the sound of the fire crackling, the wind chill from the snow fall creeping through the single glazed windows and the happy groans at there passions got hotter and hotter.

"Merry Christmas hunny"

"Merry Christmas Juni"

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