Chapter 12🌴

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"Ahhh when will you come out?" Jin sat on the dirty ground and was less bothered about the dress. Since it was the farmer's he paid no attention to where he sat or slept. It's been two weeks since Jin had taken up the duty of watching hens and their eggs.

And to be honest he kind of loved it. At first he felt awkward to walk in a place where it smelled very bad. But he got used to it. It became his every day habit to visit the place where the hens were made to sit on their eggs and giving their warmth to their baby eggs.

Jin found it cute and adorable to see how protective those hens were over their babies. He wished his mother was like that. But she decided to end her life with alcohol and he was left alone with no mother to protect him from the cruel world.

"Aren't you the sweetest mother? I love you. And I am proud of you by how good you are doing. I am sure your baby will be all healthy. And I want to see her." Jin spoke to the hen who in return nodded like she understood his words. A smile plastered on Jin's face by how good the animals responded him.

At first he thought they were chasing him because they didn't like him. But it was just the opposite like Taehyung said. They loved him and that's why they followed him everywhere he goes.

He looked around the land when he heard some caw sounds coming outside.

"I will be back." Jin whispered to the hen who said something in her own language. Jin jogged outside to see several crows circling around the area. He formed a fist in his hands when he saw more number of crows flying just above the hatching house.

"You mother fucker. Don't you have any place to go? Get lost you egg snatching cheaters."

Jin shouted and soon the crows flew away before cawing loudly. At first Jin wasn't aware of the crow visitors. But after having a small talk with Taehyung he understood the reason.

"Don't ever let any birds inside the hatching house, Mr. Kim. They will steal the eggs and new born chickens to feed their stomachs."

Jin remembered those words of the farmer. And he took it as his duty to protect the hens and their eggs from the snatching birds.

Kim Taehyung who was visiting his farm house to drink water choked his drink by the sudden yelling. He ran outside his house just to see Kim Seokjin having his one hand on his hips and throwing stones on the sky.

He looked above the sky to see some crows cawing loudly and flying away. A soft chuckle left Taehyung's lips by seeing how dedicated Jin was.

He could see the difference in Jin's behavior after his task with hatching eggs. Jin was calm and he used to say what he did there and how he shooed away the animals that tried to steal the harmless eggs.

"He is really something." Taehyung whispered and smiled by hearing the cursing words that Jin shouted. He wondered whether there were any time where Jin  spoke without cursing.

Deep inside Taehyung was fearing of Jin winning in the bet. He didn't want to lose this property that meant the world to him. But he also knew that a challenge is a challenge. And he had given his words. He could also see how much Jin was working to win this challenge.

He hoped, so badly hoped for the other to lose this battle. He was not ready to lose something that held so many memories. This place was more than memories.

After shooing away the cruel birds, Jin walked back to the hatching house while murmuring to himself.

"Fuck, can't they have their own eggs? Why stealing some innocent ones?" He cursed and looked at all the hens that were clucking with fear. He immediately ran to them to comfort them.

"Shhh~ Shh~ Don't be afraid. I shooed them away. I won't ever allow them to come near you and get your babies. I promise." Jin swore to the mothers who were giving him some happy sounds by gaining a smile from him.

Though Jin loved this place, he also made sure to have contact with his business in Seoul. Everyday he spoke with Jimin and his Uncle Jungkook to know about their company's stock market and their share holder's properties.

He gave his ideas and he had gained some properties in Daegu with the help of Jimin who kind of manipulated Min Yoongi, a small businessman who's been cheating innocents.

Kim Seokjin was happy that his company was putting steps in every places and stood very proudly. He was feeling satisfied by giving jobs to homeless people and he made sure to give some free accommodations to his company workers.

Kim Seokjin's dream was to have a world without unemployment crisis. But he also wanted them only to work in his company and make his company proud.

He knelt down on the ground with his hands on his knees and chin on them for support. He tilted his head and looked at the hen that was keeping her eyes closed.

"I wonder what you are thinking." Jin thought to himself and looked around the area to see several hens giving some sounds. It felt like they were talking with themselves and Jin felt like he was an outsider.

"I am going crazy I think. I mean who would talk with birds? And it feels like you all are answering me." Jin shook his head in disapproval and stood up on his feet. The place that once smelled bad wasn't anymore. Though the smell was there, he was not bothered by it.

He got used to this environment. He wondered what he would have done had he not come here. His longing for cigars and sex was long forgotten. He busied his mind and body in winning the challenge and taking this beautiful property.

He knew that it's been merely only one month and soon he got attached to this place. He wondered how this place would look like without these animals, the house and the stupid farmer.

An unfamiliar pang felt in his heart but Kim Seokjin decided to ignore it. This was not the time to worry about other's life and existence. With his new company setting up here, he would give many lives to unemployed people and help them in their financial crisis.

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