Chapter 14🌴

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"Oh my Jimin, isn't she cute? Like literally she never leaves me. She is running after me wherever I go. And fuck these cruel crows tried to snatch her away for two times. Thankfully I saved her."

Jin was busy in speaking with his best friend about how the baby chick was loving him back just like him. He took so many pictures and videos of the hen house and had sent everything to his friend. He loved speaking about his life in the farm house and his small birds that he was taking care of.

"Yes Jin she is cute and lovely. But I wonder if you are the same one that I knew." Jin's excitement suddenly vanished away by his best friend's comment.

"What do you mean, Minnie?" He heard his best friend sighing on the other line and he could tell that something was wrong. Jin looked above the sky to see the clouds getting darker and he knew that he had to go back to the farm house.

"It's been almost two months since you went there. And I miss you already." Jin chuckled when he could feel his friend's pout in his imagination.

"Aww I miss my best buddy too. But seriously Minnie you have to come here. The baby chickens are very fond of me. Although the pigs give me some tough time, I kind of like them too." Jin started to walk slowly and he could feel the connection getting poor.

"Wh- wi- you ba-k?" Jin stopped on his tracks and looked at his phone to see signal was on one point. He sighed heavily thinking about the poor signal.

"You know what, I will speak to you tomorrow. Its going to rain already. Take care and bye." Jin started to run to the farm house by looking at the dark clouds above him. He could see the rice paddy grown to half of his height but he was afraid of the rain storm that was about to hit.

He remembered Taehyung telling him about the harvesting time, and only he had one more month to go. But he silently prayed that the rain doesn't destroy the hard work of the farmer.

"Oh for fucks sake, wait a minute." Jin cursed when he felt little drops of rain falling on his body and head. He started to increase his speed and ran to the hen house to make sure all the birds were safely inside their houses. Soft drizzles started to fall making Jin pick up his speed more.

After making sure the other farm animals staying inside their designed homes, he walked inside the farm house before removing his wet shoes.

Taehyung who was busy in watching the news turned his head aside to see Kim Seokjin panting heavily.

"Good that you came back. I was about to come for you." Jin knew that he shouldn't be smiling and blushing by those words. But he found himself flushing red by those kind words. He softly brushed his light wet hair that drenched in the rain drops and walked over the sofa where the farmer was sitting.

"What are you watching?" Jin could see some guy talking with an umbrella and he could see the rainfall in some areas.

"Just some news. There's supposed to be a heavy rainstorm for the next few days." Jin's face frowned when he heard the news. He looked at the farmer whose face showed no emotions. He was just looking at the television without averting his eyes anywhere.

"Oh!" Was all Jin could say. He was not good at comforting people or saying positive words. For the past two months Taehyung and Jin had tried to talk some times. Though they mostly talked about agriculture and farming the conversation never seemed to be boring for the two.

"Right!" Taehyung hissed when he saw the power connection was off. Though there was a power shutdown, the farm house was lit with beautiful lights. Kim Taehyung had designed it to glow without any power.

Taehyung dropped the remote on the other side of the sofa and stood up while brushing his hair back. Though the farmer didn't speak, Jin could feel the frustration in Taehyung's mind. He knew that the farmer's thoughts were filled with the upcoming rainstorm.

"T-There won't be any rain storm he-" Jin flinched suddenly before he could finish his sentence when suddenly a loud thunder occurred. Taehyung felt himself chuckling lightly by how Jin tried to comfort him.

Jin clutched his heart by hearing the heavy sounds of thunder and he could hear the rain drops starting to fall down. Jin looked behind the glass door to see the dark sky dominating everywhere. No one would believe that it was just four in the evening, since the sky was resembling a dark night.

He saw Taehyung walking to the kitchen to grab some water. Jin felt awkward to be there in silence with the farmer. He spent most of his time with the birds and he used to visit the farm house only at nights. They both rarely spoke with each other.

Only when they were having food, they shared some small talks. But now with being power shut down and raining he felt himself little afraid to be in such a situation.

Though this was how Jin spent his first night in this farm house, now everything was different. He was aware of Taehyung and he wouldn't say they were in bad terms. But neither they were in good terms.

They didn't bicker a lot since both tried to avoid each other. Whenever they tried to make a conversation it led to arguments and small fights. Jin was always thankful for Taehyung to give him the bed to sleep while the farmer spent his night in the living room.

Though Jin felt bad about this, he couldn't sleep in sofa because he would get back pain. In many ways he was grateful for the farmer but he never really loved to show it outside. They both were keeping their emotions bottled up inside themselves and never wanting to express it.

Both had different dreams on the same piece of land.

Hunger vs Unemployment. One wanted people to have food while the other wanted them to have jobs.

But who would win in this challenge? Though both of their dreams seemed important in their own perspectives, the person who lose this challenge will have to face either of the problems.

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