Chapter 13🌴

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Kim Taehyung wished to close his ears with anything to suppress the noise that was coming from Jin. The said man was jumping in joy and shouting everywhere without bothering about his loud voice.

"Yahh, finally I get to see her!!" Jin was jumping and doing weird dance steps on his feet while shouting happily. Sometimes Taehyung wished he had not given the task to Jin. But he was happy to see the progress with Jin ad his sincerity in his duty.

Today was the hatching day of the egg that Jin had been protecting for the last three weeks. He had spent his time in speaking with the egg and the mother far the last few days. He screamed in joy when he saw the baby chicken's development inside the egg through the light.

Kim Taehyung was having his fun by seeing Jin going crazy over a small baby chicken that wasn't even born yet. The famous Kim Seokjin was being giddy over the egg. He was already head over the heels for the baby chick, and he would do anything for her.

Jin couldn't sleep by thinking about the baby chick finally coming to the world. And specially the chicken that he had been taking care of. He felt like he was bring a life to the world.

"Now why don't we go and bring h-?" Before Kim Taehyung could finish his sentence Jin was already on his way to the hen house.

"her out. You never wait do you??" Taehyung asked no one since Jin had already disappeared from his sight. With a soft giggle he jogged to the hen house to see Jin carefully holding egg on his palm.

An adorable laugh escaped through Jin's plump lips by seeing the tiny egg on his hands. He was afraid like he was going to drop it down. His hands were shaking badly but he was not going to give up. He carefully patted the mother who in turn rubbed her head on his hands.

"You did a wonderful job." Jin praised the mother and he looked at Taehyung who was smiling like an idiot. It was not new for the farmer to see the eggs hatching. But he knew that it was Kim Seokjin's first time.

"When will you come to me?" Jin cooed and asked the baby chicken inside the egg cutely. Taehyung walked to Jin and carefully brushed on the egg by signaling the baby that it was safe to come out.

Kim Seokjin and Kim Taehyung were waiting for more than fifteen minutes yet they found no motion. Jin looked at the farmer and asked without words.

"W-Why isn't she coming out?" Jin stuttered and he felt his lips quivering in fear by looking at no movements inside the egg. Taehyung was licking his dry lips and was wandering what to answer.

"Am I holding her too tight?" Jin asked making Taehyung feel bad. The farmer wasn't sure what was wrong but he also didn't want to upset Jin who was in verge of crying. The sound of the mother hen brought their attention and she was clucking and giving weird sounds.

"M-Maybe she just needs some time." Taehyung whispered but he knew that it's been already more than twenty two days. Usually most eggs would hatch before twenty one days.

"O-Oh my look!" Jin yelled lowly when he saw the egg cracking little bit. Taehyung felt his heart beating again by seeing some movements. For a second he thought that the chicken didn't make it.

Jin carefully waited for the egg to crack but again the movements stopped after a try.

"Come to mama, baby. We are waiting." Jin tried to softly brush his thumb finger over the cracked egg but he got no reaction.

"Maybe she got stuck." Taehyung whispered and reached for the half cracked egg. Jin shakily gave it to the farmer, and saw Taehyung trying to break the  cracked piece. They both sat on the ground to inspect any movements from the baby inside the egg. Carefully Taehyung used his experienced hands to break the shell. He knew that sometimes the babies would get stuck inside and unable to come out.

Some died when they didn't come out even after their hatching time. Taehyung didn't want to scare Jin by saying that the baby chick had possibility of dying. He wanted the baby to come out all healthy because Jin was very fond of it.

"B-Be careful." Jin whispered making Taehyung to roll his eyes by the order. He decided to shrug it off and tried to pick the cracked pieces of the shell. Jin gasped when he saw the baby chicken's head stuck inside a jelly like substance.

Taehyung carefully scooped the baby and he could see the struggle of breathing of the chicken. The baby chick kicked it's leg making Jin to close his mouth in awe. Taehyung removed the small pieces of shells on the baby's body and blew some air.

Jin shed his first drop of tear when he heard the baby chicken sound. It was so cute and loud. Taehyung brushed off the wetness on the baby's feather and with a smile he slowly reached the baby to Jin.

Jin was sniffling his cries and he turned his palm to pick the baby chick in his hands. He could feel the wetness and jelly like substance sticking on his palm. But he didn't pay any attention to it neither did he thought that it was disgusting.

It was the beautiful scene infront of his eyes. He saw how cutely the baby chick tried to stand on his palms and it was a bliss for Jin's eyes.

"You are so beautiful." Jin whispered and brought the baby chicken towards his lips to place a small kiss on her. He carefully put the baby near to her mother who in return scooped her inside her feathers.

Taehyung and Jin giggled by the sweet action and looked at the baby chicken circling around her mother's legs.

"We need to bath her." Jin heard Taehyung's voice but he didn't turn his head since he was too busy in admiring the mother and the baby. Never in his life did Jin thought that he would care for other living being. But here he was taking care of a baby chicken and her mother.

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