Chapter 30🌴

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Kim Seokjin stirred in his sleep and moaned when he felt something massaging his feet. He fluttered his eyes open and soon closed by the bright light shining directly at his face. After few seconds of blinking Jin looked down to see Taehyung softly massaging his feet.

"Nnghh~ Right there." Jin moaned in relief and sunk his body down on the bed by how good Taehyung's hands felt. Jin arched his back whenever Taehyung's hand moved from his feet to his legs.

With pregnancy Jin had noticed that he was getting tired easily. His feet were swollen if he walked for few minutes. He couldn't lift anything heavy neither he could look down at his feet. He was finding difficult to wear pants.

Though it was just six months, he found himself fat everytime he looked in the mirror. That was the reason why mostly Jin tried to avoid the mirror.

Kim Taehyung was not dumb to not notice the uncomfortableness in Jin with pregnancy. He knew that Jin never says if he was in pain. His stupid ego would show up and he would act cool. Jin opened his eyes slowly in relief when he felt soft kisses on his feet.

A smile plastered on his face by seeing how caring and tendering Kim Taehyung was. With few more kisses, he continued to massage the pregnant man who was moaning in relief.

"I have never said this but thank you, farmer." Kim Taehyung chuckled and slowly nodded before leaning to Jin to steal some kisses. Kim Seokjin was feeling giddy by the affection he was getting from the farmer.

Kim Taehyung pressed his forehead on Jin's and they were closing their eyes by enjoying the moment. Though the belly didn't allow them to hug, they loved this intimate moments.

"I know I shouldn't ask this, but I never expected a person like you to keep the baby, Mr. Kim." Kim Seokjin must feel offended but he was not. He knew that what the farmer said was right. With his behavior and attitude no one would believe that the great CEO would not abort the baby with father not being there.

Jin opened his eyes and signaled Taehyung to lift him up. The other gladly did and both sat on the bed by facing each other. Jin's eyes locked on the glass doors outside and he could see Hoseok playing with the animals and running on the green field.

His eyes shifted to the farmer who was slowly massaging his thighs.

"Never in my life did I expect that I would be pregnant, farmer. I was never interested in love and shitty things. But after meeting you, I couldn't stop myself from falling for you. I know that I had a chance of getting abortion but I remembered one thing."

Kim Taehyung who was massaging the milky thighs looked up to meet Seokjin's eyes. He waited for the other to speak further.

"The birth of the baby chicken.

I still remember the pain that the mother was having when the baby didn't come out. Though I didn't understand what she spoke, I understood her pain and cries. I would have died with guilt by seeing that I couldn't save the baby chick. I got my life back only when the baby chicken made some sounds.

Being born is not something easy, farmer. And I don't want to take the life of an innocent who never met this world. I know I would be alone in this but I don't want to give up. I don't think I can live a life with guilt by knowing that I have destroyed our baby. Never in life I would do that.

So I promised myself to take care of our baby just like I did for the baby chicken. After all it's all living beings. We don't have the right to kill the lives. I want to give our baby a chance to come out and see the world."

Jin spoke and released a heavy sigh when he felt tears forming in his eyes.

"Stupid pregnancy hormones!" Jin mumbled and wiped his tears off making Taehyung to giggle through his tears. He couldn't believe that this was the person whom he met on his farm house.

Kim Seokjin in front of him was someone different and just like Jungkook said, this was his true self. His mask was worn off when he was with Kim Taehyung.

"You are cute you know that, Mr.Kim?" Taehyung cooed and pulled Jin's chubby cheeks making Kim Seokjin to roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Oh shut up, farmer. I have to go and see the hen house." With that Jin pushed Taehyung's hands off from his cheeks and got down from the bed with difficulty. Taehyung was smiling all the while by seeing Jin being round and big. He felt proud to see Jin taking well and being good.

When Jin was about to open the bedroom door, he looked back to see Taehyung who was already seeing him with hearty eyes.

"Thank you for coming back for us, farmer." Shyly Jin said and started to walk fast by hiding his smile. Taehyung couldn't help but coo at his adorableness.

"Ahh he will be the death of me." Taehyung dreamily whispered and plopped down on his bed with a wide grin on his face.

The morning breeze was blowing perfectly with sun shining softly. It's the month of June and they were ready to sow the crops of this season. With the help of Hoseok, Taehyung had sown the rice crops and he couldn't help but smile by the memories. He was reminded of his destroyed harvest and how the CEO helped him out.

Kim Seokjin was enjoying his small talks with the birds and animals. He got used to walk with animals running around him and circling around his legs. A particular chicken took his attention making him to halt in his steps.

"There you are!!" Jin exclaimed happily and walked slowly by seeing the chicken running towards him. This time he didn't run back but either he was welcoming the bird with a happy heart. Jin could spent his time by watching the birds running around and giving some weird noises.

He left a heavy sigh by seeing the hen house that had changed his life. Who knew that a small baby chicken could change a cold person to a human?

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