Extra: Incorrect Quotes

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Harley: Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I don't know how to please a woman... you buy them a dress with pockets.

Matt, in a jail cell: So, who should we call to get us out?
Willow, right next to him: I would call Emily or Mike, but I feel safer in jail.

Harley: I'm gay and confused.
Harley: Not about being gay. I just never know what's fucking going on because Willow doesn't tell me shit.

Willow: *falls down*
Mike, catching her: I think you just fell for me.
Willow: Put me the fuck down.

Willow: Do you want to talk about your feelings, Mike?
Mike: No.
Matt: I do!
Willow: I know, Matt.
Matt: I'm sad.
Willow: I know, Matt.

Mike: If a psycho got you, I'd hunt them down to the ends of the earth so they could face justice.
Willow: If you asked, I would kill every person in this room without a second thought.
Therapist: You guys do know that normal couples don't say those things to each other, right?

Willow: Babe, we tried things your way.
Mike: ...No, we didn't.
Willow: I did, in my head, it didn't work.

Harley: You're smiling. Did something good happen?
Willow: I can't just smile because I feel like it?
Matt: Ashley tripped and fell down the stairs.

Willow: I laugh in the face of danger. And then I hide until it goes away.

Willow: What are you drinking?
Harley: Vodka.
Willow: Straight?
Harley: No, gay.
Willow: What?
Harley: You heard me.

Willow: Wolves deserve to live forever.
Sam: And humans don't?
Willow: No.

Willow: I live off spite.
Mike: No, that's not enough to live off of.
Mike: You need vegetables.

Willow: Apparently 'spite' isn't the appropriate response to 'what motivates you'.

Harley: I'm Willow's emergency contact.
Nurse: Oh, you're here to pick her up?
Harley: No, I'm here to remove myself as her emergency contact.

Mike, sitting up in bed: Harley just did something stupid.
Willow, half asleep: This is big dad energy.

Willow: I lost friends the way everyone loses friends.
Harley, nodding: In Ikea.

Willow: If I get taken out by a serial killer, please know that I died doing what I loved.
Willow: Learning too much about serial killers.

Willow: People keep asking how I keep my friends in order.
Willow: I don't. This morning Matt called for me and when I walked into the room, Harley shot me in the throat with a nerf gun.

Mike: I would like to propose─
Willow: What?
Mike: ─ an idea.
Willow: Oh.
Mike: We should get married.

Willow: I don't have good ideas, I just try and stop everyone from doing the bad ones.

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