01. Blackwood Mountain

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September 2014

Willow tapped her pencil against the front of her laptop, pursing her lips as she flipped through the book propped up against the screen.

Sighing, Willow pulled the book off the laptop and closed it as she put it aside. Yeah, there was no new information about the history of Blackwood Mountain in it that she hadn't already found. Her professor wanted them to use old texts and only google things if they couldn't find anything else on the topic.

"Guess it's time to google." Willow mumbled, sitting up straight and pulling the laptop to the edge of the table in the campus library.

Typing blackwood mountain history into the search bar, Willow knew she was likely not to find much outside of articles detailing the Washington's purchase of the home, but she was hoping for something. Scrolling down the first page, and unbothered to go to the second page, Willow rolled her eyes and refined the search.

Granted, she expected the first page to be full of stuff about the Washington's and the twins disappearance, but Willow could hope something else was note worthy about the damn mountain considering how much she had to beg her professor to let her do her paper on the damn place because of it's importance to her.

At least she had gone to talk to the woman in her office hours rather than telling the entire history class that she, in fact, was friends with the daughters of the Hollywood mogul that had gone missing earlier that year.

Adding prior to 1997 to her search, Willow stared blankly at the screen as it reloaded.

Willow scrolled and scanned, almost ready to just give up work for the day and pick it back up again tomorrow since she still had two more weeks to get all of her sources underway, until the last link on the first page caught her eye.

An old newspaper article, that the company probably uploaded online to keep up to date with the rise of technology, was dated from the 50's. Curious, she clicked it.

9th January, 1952

BLACKWOOD PINES, AB ─ A reporter from Alberta Bugle was assaulted and hospitalized yesterday by security personnel at the Blackwood Sanatorium. Chuck Bernstein, a senior news reporter, was seeking an interview with the miners dramatically rescued on Tuesday.

Willow furrowed her brows. Miners?

The men had been trapped underground for over three weeks after a structural collapse at the North West Mine in December and are now being treated at Blackwood Sanatorium for malnutrition and trauma.

Jefferson Bragg, sole proprietor of both the North West Mining Company and the Blackwood Sanatorium, told the Bugle yesterday that the incident was "unfortunate". And that "a full internal enquiry had been launched." He also claimed that Bernstein had been "trespassing on Sanatorium grounds without permission."

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