10. Not Just A Theory

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February 2015

     A lot had happened in such a short span of time ─ Willow wasn't actually sure if that was true or not, given that her perception of time was all over the place ─ and it felt like part of her brain had fried.

Between the mines, finding Mike and learning that Jessica was dead, following Mike to go after an apparent psycho who may or may not be Josh, almost getting blown up because Mike didn't wait just a fucking second, finding Sam in just a towel, finding Chris and Ashley tied up by a psycho that turned out to be Josh who had no idea what Mike was talking about when mentioning Jessica was dead, and heading back to the Lodge after such an intense moment, Willow wanted to just scream into the void.

Part of her was glad that they knew where some of their friends were though. She was still worried about Matt and Emily, but Chris had managed to tell her that the two of them planned on trying to go and get some help so Willow could only hope they managed to get off the mountain already.

Willow tugged her pack off of her shoulders the moment she had reached the couch in the main room of the Lodge, the other two followed in behind her.

Sam was comforting Ashley, making sure the girl was actually okay after the traumatic events Josh put her and Chris through tonight. Josh had been tied up by Mike, who decided that he and Chris would bring him to the shed in order to make sure that nothing else would (or could) happen tonight by his hands.

Mike, before they left and split from the girls, had sent Willow a concerned look that she pretended not to see.

Willow unzipped the pocket of her pants with the phone in it. Ignoring the dirt and grime that coated her pants (and making them no longer khaki), Willow pulled the sat phone out and immediately turned it on.

Walking toward one of the windows, Willow quickly unlocked it and pushed it open, holding the phone outside of the Lodge in order to get the two bars she needed to make the call. Her nerves were all over the place, jumping from side to side, and Willow knew hearing Harley's voice would help just a little bit since she couldn't call Matt.

Selecting Harley's contact, Willow pulled the phone back inside hoping the connection would hold long enough for her to just say something to him.

Or maybe she shouldn't say anything and have him call the police or rangers just in case.

"I can't even say if it's been more than three hours or not because I can't remember what time you called me earlier and I may or may not have fallen asleep." Harley's fast-paced voice was enough to make Willow lose some tension.

Willow bit her cheek. "It's fine. I just wanted to check in, tell you that things have gotten a little weird tonight. I think everything's good now, though. If I can, next call I'll explain. I need to stay inside for a bit and warm back up."

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