02. Washington Lodge

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February 2015

Willow banged on the window to the door of the cable car station loudly.

"What the hell?" A voice yelped from the other side.

Holding back her laugh at Jessica's reaction to her banging, Willow smiled sarcastically as she waved at her through the dirty old window. She's scared three people in less than twenty minutes. It felt like a new record.

Chris and Sam called through the door, calling Jessica over to them.

Jessica looked at the three of them weirdly through the window. "Are you guys having a really weird stroke?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely." Willow said.

She could practically hear Chris rolling his eyes. "We're stuck in this stupid thing."

"Can you please let us out? Pretty please?" Sam asked, nicer than the other two were being.

Jessica pushed the button, opening the door. She turned away, stepping off of the platform and into the snow.

"Oh my God, I thought we were goners, another ten minutes in there and I would've chewed off my own leg." Chris complained sarcastically.

Willow rolled her eyes. "It was like two seconds, Christopher. Relax."

"Sick, Chris." Sam told him.

Chris looked between the two as they walked to Jessica, "Look, I got a lot of meat on my bones. This is all muscle down here."

"Chris," Willow looked up at him, disbelief on her face, "I can bench press more than you."

"Not the point." Chris waves off Willow's statement, snatching something from Jessica a second later. Some weird noise escaped his mouth as Jessica and Sam protested the action. Chris looked down at what Willow could see was a letter, raising a finger. "My goodness, seems like someone had a lil' crush on our good friend and dear class president Michael Munroe."

Willow held back her groan. That's what this was about?

Sam tried to stop Chris, but he cut her off.

"And what kind of sizzling erotica might our Jessica be capable of imagining? I wonder?"

Jessica sighed in defeat. "Mike and Em split. We're together."

Willow pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Woah, drama."

"Not really. Pretty clear cut, actually, Em's out. I'm in."

Sam and Chris look at Willow for confirmation, like she would have all the answers. She did, but that wasn't the point. Emily had ranted to her many times about Jessica breaking girl code. And while the crush Willow used to have on Emily had originally gotten stronger when they started hanging out more after the whole break-up happened, it quickly fizzled out after all those rants Willow listened to.

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