08. The Chapel

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February 2015

     After just getting chased up the stairs by one of the wolves, and she wasn't sure which because it was too dark to tell and she really didn't feel like trying to find out while running, Willow sighed as she leaned against the door. Her pack dug into her from the position, just as it did in the mines. She was starting to regret that plan to go down there the longer she was on Blackwood Mountain. Her night was not going as she expected and she couldn't help but feel like it was barely getting started.

Mike looked through the broken window panes, "Isn't this a quaint little psycho crib?"

Willow furrowed her brows.

"What?" She breathed out, pushing off of the door.

Mike nodded through the window. "The guy just went through a door down in the Chapel. Guess it's a good thing we can get in there now, huh?"

Willow nodded, watching as Mike motioned to the stairs off to the right.

Rolling her head around her neck, Willow closed her eyes as she climbed down the stairs behind Mike. Groaning as she noticed the platform was the last in tact spot, everything from there down had broken off at some point, Willow knew they would have to jump down.

Mike sighed, sitting down on the edge and jumping off, landing correctly for the first time Willow's seen him do. He turned back to face her, putting the lantern down beside him and holding his arms out.

Willow rolled her eyes, following his footsteps and sitting on the jagged edge. Bracing herself, she slid forward a bit. However, she slid forward a little too much and slid right off the edge of the platform. Arms wrapped around her waist in time. Willow relaxed in Mike's hold, tapping his shoulder to tell him to put her down.

Once she was on her own two feet again, Mike grabbed the lantern and shot her a smirk.

"I thought you were good at those."

Willow stared at him blankly, "Shut up, Michael."

Mike's smirk faded as he shifted from foot to foot.

"Look, Will, I'm sorry for pushing earlier I just-"

Willow shook her head, "Don't apologize again. It's fine, I don't blame you for pushing. Things have been pretty tense tonight─" more than his knows, Willow thought, "─so I didn't mind all that much. I snapped earlier because I thought I just didn't want to tell anyone, but I actually really did, so."

She trailed off, avoiding his gaze that had turned understanding.

Mike nodded, walking around her to go toward the Chapel door. Willow was glad he realized she wanted to drop the subject again by avoiding his gaze. She felt guilty enough about not telling anyone and keeping it a secret, which was one thing she never did. And the more Willow thought about how well Mike could read her, the more she wondered about how close they actually were.

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