Nightvision chapter 13

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Hello...since this story was getting a lot of love and I just finished my revision, I thought why the hell not upload? forgive me I'm a little out of practice with this story but hope you enjoy thanks so much.

Mari's P.O.V. (set just after Damian left Mari's room from the last chapter).

I grinned, blushing slightly as Damian exited my room gently closing the door behind him. He didn't want me to see but I could see he was blushing as well, making me smile even more. I flopped onto my bed, my blush subsiding slightly, still smiling like a maniac. God he was cute, maybe I should ask if he wants to go out this weekend? I know he's not exactly an extrovert but he's clearly interested...hopefully. I sighed whipping out my phone for my to do list. I didn't have much to do, just training really, but I didn't have to do that until 6, I checked the time; it was only 1 pm. I sat up and looked around my room for something to do, In the end I just decided to chill out and read. I picked up the book on my bedside, plugged my headphones in, and began to read. 

Damian's P.O.V.

I'd just got back from walking Titus, and as expected, my biology homework was simple, so I'd done that as well. I decided to do some digging on what happened to Selina, I'd start with asking Father, he'd probably be characteristically cagey and unhelpful, but it was worth a try. To be honest, I wasn't doing this because I was curious about what happened, don't get me wrong I wanted to know what happened, but I didn't care that much, it didn't impact me in any way so why would I?  I was doing it for Mari. And I was fine with that, I'd just never admit it to anyone. I knocked on father's study door, "come in" I heard him say. I opened the door and walked in. "Hello Father" I greeted walking up to his desk. He was furiously typing something on his desktop, avoiding my gaze, glaring at his screen. "Hello Damian, what can I do for you?" he asked not looking up from his computer. I got straight to the point, "what happened to Selina the night she was injured?" He stopped typing and looked up at me frowning, "why do you ask?" he questioned. I rolled my eyes, cagey as ever, as expected. "I'm curious" I replied, pulling up the chair opposite his desk and sitting down. He continued to frown and switched off his computer, still not answering, typical. "Well?" still, he didn't answer "in that case" I said standing up sighing,  "I'll find answers elsewhere" I said and got up to leave. "Damian" I turned around raising an eyebrow at my father, he sighed sitting back down. "I don't know yet" he admitted, I rolled my eyes again, that was a lie if ever I heard one. "I'm serious" he continued noticing my hesitance, "Selina won't tell me but I'm working on it, I've only got this so far" he finished opening his  desk drawer and throwing something at me. I caught it easily and looked at in confusion. A teddy bear, small and red with black button eyes. "Any leads?" I asked throwing the bear back to him, he caught it and shook his head. "No, is that all?" he replied, clearly eager for me to leave. I nodded, "keep me posted" and with that, I stalked out closing the door behind me. Weird, I thought, it was strange for Father not to have any leads, maybe he did and just didn't want to tell me I thought angrily. If that was the case, which it probably was,I guess I'd have to figure it out myself. But right now, I had to tell Mari, I started of down the corridor but stopped at the ping of my phone. What now? I thought opening my phone, one new message, I frowned at the screen, I didn't recognise the number. I opened the message. My eyes widened as I read the words on the screen, stay out of our business, and we'll stay out of yours, you've been warned...

Heyyyyy, I hope you enjoyed this chapter I'm pretty happy with it seeing as I haven't written in a while, let me know if there's anything you want to see from this story or anything else you want me to write. Thanks so much xxx  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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