Nightvision Chapter 9

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(After school the day Mari sang Dynasty)

Mari's P.O.V.

I don't know why but after I had finished singing something was different about Damian. He looked like he had seen a ghost, but at the same time he looked sorta star-struck. I sat back down not really listening to the teachers praise and opened my pencil case. I grabbed a pen and scrawled Damian a note. I flicked it over to him and buried my nose in my book. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye and opened the note. He quickly scanned it then wrote a reply before gently pushing it across the desk to me. I asked if he was OK and being Damian he simply responded with fine..... So he was obviously not fine. You sure? I mouthed back at him, pretending to listen to the out of tune violin playing of one of my peers. He nodded and went back to his book.I sighed knowing this wasn't gonna get me anywhere accept detention so I went back to pretending to listen.

Soon the day was over and as I was packing up my stuff, Marcus approached me. He was the most popular guy in school, Kinda hot but kinda a dick. "Hey Mari what's up?" he asked sauntering up to me. "Nothing really" I replied trying to end this conversation as quickly as possible. "cool so you wanna hang?" he said staring at me with his deep blue eyes. "No thanks" I said and started to walk away. "hey wait" He said and grabbed my wrist. I tried to pull away but he was pretty damn strong. I could have easily pulled away but I wasn't supposed to show my strength in school so I contained myself. "Marcus let go" I ordered standing my ground, I was so tempted to launch a starbolt into his smug face but resisted. "Come on Mari please? It'll be fun." he said tightening his grip on my wrist. "NO LET GO!" I yelled. I was starting to get desperate. "Let go of her now" someone suddenly shouted from behind me I whipped my head around a smiled. It was Damian. Marcus instantly released his grip and tried to escape the room to no avail. Damian pinned him up against a wall staring at him with his cold green eyes, filled with hate. "If you ever lay a hand on her again I'll kill you" He hissed before releasing him and throwing him the batglare. Marcus looked terrified and before Damian could say anything else he scampered off like a rat.

Damian quickly walked over to me and to my suprise placed his hands on my shoulders and stared at me. "Are you alright?" he asked checking me up and down, concern evident on his face. "I'm fine..." I replied staring back up at him. He was a couple of inches taller than me but not by much. We just looked at each other for a minute green eyes locking. I was about to pull away when suddenly, Damian's warm hands cupped my face and before I could react he slammed his lips against mine. It was even better than the first time, I instantly began kissing him back, hungry for more. Before long, I pulled away gasping for breath, and was met with his dark eyes. "I love you" he whispered calmly placing a kiss on my hand before stalking out the classroom leaving me standing there, love-struck. "I love you to" I whispered before following him out of the classroom. 

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