Nightvision Chapter 11

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Hi guys, I wasn't sure if I was gonna continue this story but you seem too like it so why not continue? Enjoy x

(Mari's P.O.V. Set the morning after last chapter).

I still can't believe what happened last night, I woke up this morning and all I could do was lie there grinning like an idiot. Thank God it was Saturday so I could lie in bed contemplating without interruption. Does this mean we're dating? I mean, it's clear he likes me, I think we both made that pretty obvious I thought, smirking at the memory. I sighed glancing over at my clock, It read 9 am. I knew I should probably get up and be productive, but being me I decided to lie here for a few more minutes. I fiddled with a strand of my hair twirling it round my finger thoughtfully. Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to have light hair. I mean my mum's hair is literally hot pink and Barbra has red hair and Steph's is bright blonde. Why did I have to get stuck with the dark hair? (DISCLAIMER: NO HATE ON DARK HAIR, I THINK DARK HAIR IS SO SO PRETTY THIS IS JUST A CHARACTER TRAIT I THOUGHT OF TO GIVE MARI A BIT MORE PERSONALITY THANK YOU). After lounging for slightly longer, silently pondering my life I decided to haul myself out of bed. I jumped out of bed and threw a hoodie on over my shorts and vest top. And yes I know I don't feel the cold but hoodies are comfy and I don't wanna hurt it's feelings...

I float down the hall and down the stairs humming to myself quietly before reaching the kitchen. "Morning Alfred" I say plopping myself down at the counter. "Good morning miss Grayson" He replied pushing a bowl of cereal towards me smiling. "Thanks Alfred, you sleep okay?" I ask shovelling down the cereal eagerly. "Yes fine thank you, and you?" I hesitated before answering, I hadn't gone to sleep until 2 last night, but in my defence, It's not everyday your hot, superhero, sort of uncle kisses you... Okay I hear it now. "Fine thanks Alfred" I reply quickly, hoping he didn't pick up on my hesitation. He simply smiled at me before saying goodbye and exiting the kitchen. I like Alfred he's cool, he never tells my dad when I get in too late and he makes really good pasta! (Fun fact did you know Alfred is the only person in the Batfam who is legally allowed to carry a gun?) 

After I'd eaten, I floated off to the Batcave in search of my dad knowing he would probably be working on a case or something down there, besides I had patrol tonight and should probably do some training. "Hey dad" I shouted upon entering. "Hey kid" I hear and spin around to see Selina leaning against the stair rail. "Selina your okay" I say flying up to her and embracing her tightly. "Easy tiger still recovering over here" she says pulling away gently. "Sorry!" I reply quickly hoping I didn't hurt her. "Don't sweat it I'm happy to see your alright" she replies smoothly pacing towards the Bat computer causally. "Selina... What happened to you the night you got hurt?" I ask, knowing she probably won't tell me. She hesitates for a second before shaking her head making her short dark hair sway. I wish I could pull of her hair I thought. (You and me both Mari) "It was nothing, don't worry your grandfather and I will handle it." And with that she slinked up the stairs to the manor. Well I guess I'm going to have to do some digging I thought and headed back to my room. 

Heyyyy I hope you enjoyed this chapter I've got loads of ideas for the next chapters so stick around for that and hope you have a nice day/night byeeee x.

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