Nightvision chapter 1

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Hi, guys thought I would write a Demonfire fic because I recently discovered them and thought they were pretty cute. DISCLAIMER I don't own any of the characters or the art included. There will be more chapters this is just the first one I hope you guys enjoy please comment and tell me what you think. 

 Damian's P.O.V.

I remember the first time I met the Grayson spawn. I had just returned to Gotham she was 12 and I was 14 I wouldn't admit it but It was satisfying to be home again despite the welcoming committee, that wasn't so appreciated. As soon as I  stepped through the doors of Wayne manor I was greeted with the entire Batfamily including Selina Kyle, "Welcome home Damian" They all shouted knowing how much I despise of this type of thing. Soon everyone was rushing up to me hugging me or as I see it trying to squeeze the quickly diminishing amount of sanity I have out of me. Father just stood back smirking at the mental torture I was enduring. Figures I thought. Once everyone was done squeezing the crap out of me I tried to escape to my room, no such luck. "Where do you think you're going?" someone said grabbing the back of my shirt and dragging me back into the room. It was Grayson. "Unhand me" I demanded, struggling to get free. "Jeez calm down there's someone I want you to meet after that you can go back to being your unsociable teenage self ok?" I didn't want to talk to anyone especially not anyone Grayson wanted me to meet. Probably some girl he wants me to go out with I thought as he yanked me across the room. "Damian meet Mari Grayson, my daughter." My jaw dropped how did I not know about this I was only gone for 3 years? the girl standing in front of me looked about 12! "I know you probably have a lot of questions Damian" my father chimed in I nodded still staring at the girl. She had long jet black hair and tan near orange skin. She was a couple of inches taller than me and very slim. But her most startling feature was her eyes they were fluorescent green and she had no pupils... Tamaranean I thought must be Kori's kid. "Hi," she said breaking my chain of thought and extending her hand. "Hello" I replied coldly shaking her hand; She was very warm. "why am I only being introduced now" I demanded locking eyes with Dick. "No one did I wanted to keep her safe until her powers fully manifested" he admitted. Mari rolled her eyes visibly disagreeing with her fathers choice. "Kori is her mother?" I asked "yes" he replied looking at the floor. Father sighed and placed a hand on Grayson's shoulder. "Now she is interested in pursuing crime-fighting in Gotham," He said with a tinge of fear in his voice. And I understood why the streets of Gotham were no place for an inexperienced 12-year-old girl.

"Naturally I'm not keen on the idea," said Dick eyeing his daughter. "Dad we talked about this I've been training 3 years it's about time I get out there." Mari urged. "I know I know but still I'm going to have to take some precautions," He said looking at me I didn't like where this was going. "Dick and I were thinking that you could show her the ropes and make sure she's safe" Father suggested looking hard at me. "WHAT" me and Mari shouted in unison neither of us were happy about it. I had better things to be doing than making sure Grayson's alien kid didn't get herself killed. "It's decided then," father said with a smile we'll leave you two to get acquainted and with that, he and Dick were gone. I rolled my eyes and started to leave the room "wait" Mari said and grabbed my wrist. "WHAT?" I replied snatching my wrist back glaring at her. "Sorry I didn't mean to upset you I just wanted to say you don't have to supervise me I can take care of myself." Works for me I thought but I did feel a little bad Grayson was still my family no matter how irritating him or his offspring was. "Well that's too bad because your father has been of great service to me and he would skin me alive if anything happened to you and I wasn't there so like it or not I'm going with you," I said sternly. "ugh fine just stay out of my ok I'm not gonna learn anything otherwise" she replied grumpily. "Fine with me" and with that, we went our separate ways.

From then on me and Mari saw each other nearly every night and started to get closer. Don't get me wrong she was annoying but no worse than her father. We ended up having mutual respect and eventually became friends. I just never thought it would go any further...

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