Nightvision chapter 3

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Nightvision chapter 3

"Ughhhh," I groaned, blinking at the light. My head was pounding, and I was sweating but still shivering. Obviously being half Tamaranean, I didn't exactly get sick very often. So when I did, it was bad. Where am I? I thought as I tried to lift my head from the pillow. "Stay down," someone instructed, forcing me back down onto the pillow. There was only one person who sounded like that. The one and only Damian Wayne. "Damian..." I mumbled, trying not to fall back asleep, "What happened?" I asked, trying again to sit up. But again being forced back down by the famous Batglare. An art Damian has mastered despite being the youngest Wayne, not including me. "I found you in an alley with some scumbag, so I beat him up and brought you home." "UGHHH!" I groaned as all the memories came flooding back to me. "What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you look like death?" Damian asked, frowning at me. "I—I don't know. The only thing I can think of is there must have been a source of metallic chromium, but that's not exactly common in the streets of Gotham." I replied, wrapping my arms around myself. Damian's frown increased when I let out a small shiver. I shut my eyes for a second, trying to make sense of this all when I felt something warm being wrapped around my shoulders. I opened my eyes, and to my complete surprise, I find Damian's jacket draped around my shoulders. I looked at him, eyebrows raised and waiting for some snarky reason as to why he did what he just did what he did. The reply that I got was unexpected. "You're cold." He replied, and with that, he said nothing more. "Thank you," I answered, sheepishly pulling the jacket more tightly around me for warmth. "TTTT" he muttered, rolling his eyes and turning away. "Go to sleep.," he said and switched off the light. "Damian?" I said, sitting upright and wincing at the pain in my upper back. "What is it?" he questioned leaning on the doorframe. "Where's my dad?" I asked with wide eyes. "You and I both got lucky he's on patrol." "And you didn't tell him," I asked, surprised. "No, because one, he would have both our heads and two, I can take care of you myself." I snorted at this comment, but he did have a point. I would never be allowed out ever again. "Damian, could you stay with me?" I asked knowing he was probably going to say no, but still wondering. I was frightened if Damian hadn't had been there then I would be.... I don't want to think about it. He looked at me for a minute thinking about it before nodding and sitting in the wooden desk chair opposite my bed. I sent him a small smile and shut my eyes instantly falling into the world of sleep.

Damian's P.O.V.

I would never admit it, but I was worried about her. She was shivering in her sleep, but perspiration still dripped from her forehead. I was starting to doubt not telling Grayson, but as soon as the chromium left her system she would be fine, I thought. I quietly got up from the desk chair, careful not to wake her. I crept over to the bed and gently placed my hand on her forehead. I frowned, her temperature was way too high, even for her, but when I touched her hand it was like ice. I'd seen Kori's reaction to chromium and it was never this bad, she just started sneezing and her eyes started watering. Granted Kori was a lot stronger than her 14-year-old half Tamaranean daughter, but it still was a severe reaction. I placed a cool flannel on her forehead trying to cool her down, and I put another blanket around her shoulders. Her shivering stopped slightly and she started to snore lightly. I smiled as I sat back down and opened the book on her desk. The little mermaid 1817. I snorted, only Mari I thought. After about 3 hours she started to get worse. I glanced over to see her talking in her sleep and thrashing around. "Mari, Mari, wake up," I urged, gently shaking her. "Mari!" I whispered, starting to worry. Suddenly she gasped, and her brilliant green eyes fluttered open. She looked around wildly like she didn't know where she was. "D- Damian," she stumbled, tears pooling in her eyes. "Mari-I-" and before I could respond, I did something very unlike me. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. She was rigid for a second, probably not expecting affection, but within seconds, she embraced me back, sobbing softly into my chest. I gently rubbed her back trying to comfort her. Neither of us needed to say anything, we both knew what her nightmare was about. And after watching her break down in my arms, all I could think of was: I should have killed that bastard code or not. Father told me never to kill my enemies but I swear to god if anyone ever hurt her again they would be answering to me. 

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