Nightvision chapter 4

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Hi, guys sorry I haven't updated in a while just haven't had much inspiration but I'm gonna start updating on a schedule so I'll be updating weekly. Hope you enjoy this chapter and please comment on what you think so I can improve my stories. Thanks so much hope you enjoy this chapter. xxx

3 weeks after the events of the last chapter

Damian's P.O.V. 

I hadn't spoken to Mari after what happened. I mean we weren't exactly ignoring each other we were just giving each other space. No one had found out yet which was good. Mari's been fine since the chromium poisoning and is back to her giggly, irritating self. I made sure to keep an eye on her for a few days to make sure she was alright but being Mari she just rolled her eyes at me and insisted she was fine. But for some reason no matter how hard I throw myself into my training or work I can't stop thinking about what happened; which is completely irrational since it happened 3 weeks ago and it's not like happened between us so why can't I shake this weird feeling in my chest. After sitting in my room debating what to do with myself I decided to ask Todd what to do. Granted he wasn't exactly my favourite person but I was desperate and I could beat around the bush without him getting suspicious. I jumped off my bed to go in search of him thinking he would probably be in the kitchen when I heard a small knock at my bedroom door. I frowned thinking it must be Alfred. "Who is it?" I demanded walking towards the door. "Uhh it's Mari" she answered. I froze speak of the devil I thought as I yanked the door open. "What do you want?" I asked glaring at her. "I- I just wanted to thank you for what you did when I had the chromium poisoning you didn't have to help me but you did I should have told you earlier so yeah thanks" she rambled fiddling with a lock of her dark hair. I just stared for a minute, why did she look so nervous? why was I so nervous? "Your welcome" I replied trying not to give away how agitated I was. We just stood for a minute staring at each other both trying to think of something to say but failing miserably. After what seemed like decades Mari spoke up, "Okkkk I guess I'll go then bye Damian" she said and with that, she floated down the hall to her room and shut the door. 

Mari's P.O.V.

Ughhhhh I thought, slamming my door in frustration why was he so impossible? I couldn't stop thinking about what happened and it was clear he couldn't either. Why won't he just say something? I thought as I flopped onto my bed. He's your uncle Mari I thought you can't have feelings for your uncle that's messed up on so many levels. But then again we weren't related by blood and he was only 2 years older than me so it wouldn't be that weird right? I couldn't be bothered to think about this right now so I decided to take a shower. I grabbed my TMNT pj's and headed to the bathroom. As soon as the scalding hot water hit me I felt better. It was always easier to think in the shower, at least for me it was. It reminded me of the waterfalls mum had taken me to when I visited her in Tamaran. I loved it there no one thought I was weird looking, I didn't have to wear a disguise I could just be me. I stood under the hot water for a few minutes thinking about what to do about this whole Damian issue when suddenly an ear-piercing scream rattled the house. I jumped nearly falling flat on my face on the tiled floor.  I dashed out of the shower and threw my pyjamas on my soaked body and flew downstairs to see what all the commotion was about. I flew into the living room to see grandpa, Alfred, Damian, Jason and Stephanie crowding around a figure. The window was smashed and glass littered the carpet along with specks of fresh blood from the injured figure. I few closer to where they were all standing and saw that the mysterious figure was none other than Catwoman AKA Selina Kyle. Her costume was ripped to pieces exposing sections of her pale flesh across her body. She had ripped her mask off to reveal her agony filled green eyes and touselled short, black hair. There was a gaping wound in her side spewing out blood like a ghoulish fountain. It looked like something you would see in a horror movie or the operating room of a hospital. Alfred was applying pressure to the wound and grandpa was trying to keep her from going into shock to no prevail. "MARI GO GET THE KETAMINE NOW!" shouted grandpa. I nodded and raced down the corridors of Wayne Manor to the Batcave. I fumbled in the cupboards trying to find the right medicine. My hands were shaking and I could barely hold the syringe to deposit the fluid. But eventually, found what I was looking for and bolted back upstairs to the living room. As soon as I handed the needle to Alfred he jabbed it into Selina's arm without even blinking. She tensed for a second clearly in a lot of pain but then fell limp into grandpas waiting arms.

Damian's P.O.V. 

No one moved for a minute trying to take in what just happened. All anyone was doing was staring at Selina's inert body cradled in my father's arms. Father sighed and suddenly picked up Selina in his strong arms and carried her to the Batcave Alfred following close behind. People slowly started to disappear back to their rooms until it was only Mari and I left in the room. I looked over at her to see if she was alright, I knew she was squeamish even a paper cut could send her recoiling in terror. She was standing with her arms wrapped around herself shaking slightly. Her viridescent eyes were wide and scared and her dark hair was dripping wet leaving a small puddle on the floor underneath her. "Mari?" I questioned as I slowly made my way over to her "are you alright?" I hesitated before placing my hand on her shoulder. She jumped surprised at my touch and stared at me her eyes filled with tears. She nodded silently and started to walk out of the room. She looked like she was in some kind of dream-like stance or something. "Mari wait I" and suddenly, without warning, he kissed me straight on the lips. I was frozen for a second I didn't know what to do, but almost immediately her kiss chased away all my insecurities and I found myself kissing her back. It was incredible I never wanted it to end I could've stayed like that forever. But finally, after what seemed like a lifetime she pulled away. And at that moment she realised what she had done. The apples of her cheeks turned a bright maroon and within seconds she was gone. I stood there for a moment completely stunned I was barely breathing. But after a while, managed to get my shit together and wander back to my room to spend the rest of the night replaying that scene in my head over and over until I came to a conclusion. I was in love with niece. Shit.

Hi, guys hope you enjoyed it. I actually really like this chapter but I wanna know what you guys think so comment on what you think and what you think should happen to them next. :) :) :)

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