Chapter 14

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Narrator's POV


Zayn asked once he saw the person's face. Thanking god he took one step forward and hugged him tightly, relieved that it was just Josh.

"Hi mate! What are you doing here." Josh asked as they both pulled back.

"Umm... I-I was here for my routine checkup?" Zayn questioned, rather then telling.

"Oh... Ok. That's good. But I think you forgot to tell the boys that you were going out, Harry called me an hour ago he was frantic, nearly made my ear bleed with all the screaming." Josh said, chuckling a bit.

"Shit!" Zayn exclaimed as he realized what was happening. Josh grinned. "I think you should call him."

"Umm yeah.. I'll call him. By the way, what are you doing here Josh." Zayn asked as the curiosity got the best of him.

Josh cursed before looking at his wrist watch. "I was here to visit my aunt, she was admitted about two days ago, slipped from the stairs."

"Oh. I hope she feels better." Zayn said, as he looked down at his boots, trying to be less awkward.

"So do I man." Josh said. "Well it was great meeting you, but I've got to go. See you soon Zayn."

Zayn nodded at him as a way of say bye before he started walking. He took a few steps when he remembered something.

"Josh!" He called loudly, while turning around searching franticly looking for him. He silently cursed himself for not remembering it before. He saw Josh walking towards the elevator. Quickly walking towards him, Zayn called him again.

Josh turned around when he heard someone call his name. "Zayn? Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"Umm no. Its just... I would really appreciate it if you won't tell the boys that you saw me here." Zayn said as he desperately looked at Josh. He really didn't want the boys to find about his cancer. He wanted to hide it as long as possible.

Josh looked confused by what Zayn said, but still nodded his head. "Umm mind telling me why mate." he asked.

Zayn sighed. He knew Josh would ask him the reason for his secrecy.

Zayn awkwardly scratch the back of his neck before saying "It was just a monthly check up. If you tell the boys that you saw me at the hospital, they'll freakout. They are already really tensed. I don't want them to worry about me more then they already do."

Josh nodded sympathetically. "I understand man, I won't tell them."

Zayn thanked God and calmed his tensed posture. He thanked Josh before making his way out of the hospital.


Opening his front door, Zayn quietly walked inside, not wanting anyone to hear him. He was still trying to decide, how he was going to handle the boys. He had already left a note on the fridge. Walking into the kitchen he saw that the note was still taped to the fridge. Meaning the boys hadn't seen it.

'so that was why they freaked out.' Zayn thought as the took the note off the fridge and threw it in the bin.

He walked into the living room and saw Harry pacing the area infront of the TV, Niall sitting on the couch, Louis taking on the phone and Liam glaring internally out of the window.

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