Chapter 6

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Zayn's POV

I woke up form my deep slumber when I heard someone knock on my door. Groaning I pulled my pillow over my head trying to block the voice, just as I was to slip into a deep slumber, someone chucked beside me. Scared shitless I jumped up and smack that person right on their cheek.

"Ouch! Zayn that hurt. I never thought you as an abusive person" Louis teased as he chucked lightly.

Giving him a sheepish smile a mumbled a soft sorry. He gave me a half smile and got up from the floor where he had fallen down when I had smacked him.

"No worries, now let's get you ready shell we. We have leave for the airport in half an hour, so why don't you jump in the shower, while I'll pack your stuff." Louis mumbled while picking my clothes from the floor and dumping them into the nearest bag he could find.

Chucking at his behavior, I nodded and walked toward the bathroom. Quickly taking a shower, I walked back into my room twenty minutes later all set for the airport. My luggage was already gone from the room. Believing it was Louis I walked down to the lobby where the other boys would be.

"Harry I'm not talking him home with me, I don't care where he goes but he is not coming with me. For goodness sake I need my personal space, rather then having him all over myself." Liam hissed at Harry.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard him say this. I soon realize what they were talking about. Being the youngest in the band had many advantages, but there were some disadvantages of it too. After what happened with my dad, the boys thought it was best for me to stay with one of them, at all times.

I tried to convince them that I was capable of living alone but they refused to listen. I the end they had let me buy my own apartment but i could only stay in it if one of the boys were staying with me.

"Look Liam I wouldn't have been asking you this in the first place, but there is no one else who can stay or take him with themselves. Niall is going to Ireland for a two weeks, Louis has to spend time while Eleanor because of the management and I'm flying to Manchester in order to see Gemma, I would love to taking him with me but Gemma wants to tell us something so she wants it to be a family gathering."

As soon as Harry finished with his little speech, I felt a pang of pain wash over me. In the past three years it was the first time I realize that I was a liability to the boys which they had to carry around even when they don't want to.

"Look I don't car-" "Zayn buddy when did you got here." Niall said cutting Liam as he was about to say something.

All of their heads whipped around in my direction. I could see different emotions passing in there eyes. Harry has guilt and sadness in his green orbs. Niall and Louis had matching expressions. Where as Liam had an annoyed expression on his face. I guess maybe he still hadn't forgiven me.

"Just know, so what are you guys doing here? Let's go." I said quickly ans started walking towards the exit, desperately trying to hide my tears.

As we all piled into the car, there was an awkward silence in the car. After a while finally Niall decided to break the silence.

"So boys what are your plans for the two weeks break. I'm going back to Ireland, I can't wait to see Theo again." Niall said and started ranting about his nephew.

I blocked Niall's voice and started to think how different my life would have been if my dad would have loved me rather then being embarrassed by me. Maybe then there would be someone in this world who would truly love me.

Love like ours ( Zianourry) ( Zayn centric )Where stories live. Discover now