Chapter 7

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Narrator's POV

It took some time for Zayn to realize what the text was saying. But when he did Zayn couldn't understand what was going to happen. His breathing picked up as he tried to think of a reason, which would explain him how his father found out about his trip. But even if he did, there was no way he should be able to contact him. All these question were making him feel dizzy.

He wanted one of the boys to comfort him at this moment, someone to hold him and tell him that everything will be all right. With shaking hands he searched his room for his phone. Finding it on his bedside, he dialed the first speed-dial and held it to his ear waiting for Louis to pick up.


"Lou he knows. He knows, he's here. He will get me Lou I want you back." Zayn said in one breath not even waiting for the other person to reply. He was on the edge of hyperventilating. His breathing was coming out in pants.

"Zayn? What's wrong?"

"Liam is that you? LIAM d-dad knows i'm London. Liam how can he know? No one except the management know about this. This is n-not possible! What if he knows? W-what if he takes me again?Li I-I don't wan......"

"Wow Zayn calm down you're hyperventilating, first tell me what happened?" Liam said in a calm voice.

"Liam it's my d-dad, he knows where I am. He knows and he is going to get me Liam I don't want to end up with him." Zayn says because all he can think about is what his father would do with him if he ever finds him again. All the beatings, the hurtful comments, the way his eyes went cold as soon as Zayn would enter the room.

These thoughts would never leave him alone. They would haunt his for the rest of the life. He wanted all of these thoughts to end.

"Zayn calm down buddy, nothing is going to happen. I have already texted Paul, he is coming over. He will stay with you for the night. You are safe, you just need to wait for Paul. Ok? Now can you please calm you breathing because honestly you are scaring me." Liam said in one breath.

Liam really couldn't understand what was happening, one moment he was chilling' in his room and the next second Zayn is screaming through the phone something about his dad calling or texting him.

Liam didn't know how long he has been lost in his thoughts when a small voice broke his out of this trance "Liam I'm scared." If Liam wouldn't had the phone next to his ear he would have never heard Zayn.

"I know Zayn but don't worry. Paul is on his way and until then you can talk to me." Liam replied because this was all he could do being thousands of miles away form each other.

For the next to minutes both of them remain quite. Liam could hear Zayn's sharp in take of breathe. As he was trying to clam down. While Liam was thinking of different ways through which Yasir would have found out about Zayn's arrival.

"Are you still mad at me?" Zayn asked out of nowhere, breaking the quite moment.


"I asked are you still mad at me?" Zayn asked again because he really wanted this fight to be over. He don't know what is wrong with Liam and why is he acting this way but all he know is that today no matter who scared he is he will get his Liam back.

Because Liam is like a Ray of sunshine in Zayn's dark life. Even if Liam doesn't return the same feelings as Zayn has for him he is still happy


"I heard you the first time. I was just shocked that you would ask this question. To tell you the truth Zayn yes I am still mad at you. You have been feeling sick for a whole month and you never ever told me. I thought we were the closest. Then what happened to that Zayn? Why didn't you come to me? And then the whole Sophia drama. I knew for the beginning that she had a liking for you but how could you do that to me? I thought we were brothers?" Liam said in a single breath.

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