Chapter 8

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Zayn's POV


"Zayn I'm so sorry but you have Stage two Acute lymphoblastic leukemia" Dr. Ethan replied.

My mind was hazy, I couldn't understand what was happening. All I could here was leukemia. My mind couldn't register the fact that I had cancer. Maybe God hates me cause when ever I'm happy something happens.

"Zayn are you alright? I mean I know it must be hard for you. If you want some time, I can leave." Dr. Ethan said.

He must think I'm weak I thought to myself. I cleared my throat and replied, my mind still dazed.

"Um n-no. I-I'm fine." I replied and thank god my voice didn't break. "What is, what is Acute lymphoblastic leukemia?" I asked hesitantly.

"Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a type of cancer that causes the body to make too many white blood cells (lymphocytes). But these lymphocytes, called leukemia cells, cannot fight infection very well. When leukemia cells build up in the blood and bone marrow, there is less room for healthy blood cells. This can cause infections, anemia, and easy bleeding." He replied as he looked at me. It was like he was waiting for me to have a mental break down.

"Oh," Was all I could manage.

"I know this must be hard for you Zayn, but with advance technology and all the support from your family and friends, you can get through." Dr. Ethan said while looking at me with pity filled eyes.

I just nodded my head.

"I'm very sorry," Dr. Ethan said, putting a hand on my arm. "It isn't too advanced. You're lucky we caught it early enough."

"So what are we going to do to treat it?" I mumbled trying to rap my head around the news he had broken. It was still very hard for me to register in my brain that I could die within a year.

Most people who have cancer, usually die within an year usually because of depression, heart fail or because there bodies weren't strong during the chemotherapy.

I shake my head to get rid of all these thoughts and concentrate on what was going to happen next.

"Chemo, once a week, we can start from Monday. But I think you should talk to your management first because if you want to continue your tour you would have to fly back and forth, twice a week." the doctor said, looking at me.

"Doesn't chemo make you lose all of your hair?" I asked as my hand fluttered to my shining black hair. There was only one thing in my body that I love and it was my hair. If they would fall off Liam would never even look at me.

"They will, but once you are healthy they will grow back" Dr. Ethan assured me.

I scoff "If I ever got healthy."

Dr. Ethan looked shocked at my out burst but then said "Zayn you can't lose hope you have to be strong. You can't win this fight if you're not strong."

I don't know whether it was because of the news or because of the stress, I just couldn't contain myself anymore "STRONG? YOU WANT ME TO BE STRONG? I JUST FOUND OUT THAT I HAVE CANCER AND I COULD DIE STILL YOU WANT ME TO BE STRONG?

Dr. Ethan looked clam as if he was used to this kind of outburst. "Zayn I know it must be hard for you but you have to accept it."

"Look I need sometime to figure this out. Thank you for all this I call you later." I said and with that I got up and turn around and leave the office as soon as possible.

Just as my hand touch the doorknob Dr. Ethan voice stopped me" Zayn we have to talk about this. Your cancer is on second we can still stop it if we start the chemotherapy within a week. Please don't take it lightly."

I just merely nodded and stepped out of the hospital. Saying I was shocked would be an understatement. I couldn't believe I had cancer. I have no idea about how I will break this news to the boys, they will be shocked I know they will be devastated.

I didn't call Paul. I wanted sometime alone. So I could figure out what I wanted to do. I pulled my hood over my head in order to avoid the fans and the paps. Without the care of the world I started walking. All I could think about was that I have cancer.

I didn't realize that it has started raining but even that didn't stop me. While I was walking aimlessly I started crying. All I could think was I had cancer and I was going to die.

My pace slowed down as realization drawn to me. My body was shaking with the force of sobs which were threatening to come out of my mouth. Looking around I realized that I was in an alley. I slide down the wall as sobs started to leave my body.

My whole world faded black as my mind swept into total and absolute darkness of realization. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't hear the light footsteps that were getting near the alley.

Soon the footsteps which were light and slow, were getting louder. Finally they stopped in front of me. I was so tired of crying that I didn't even had the strength to look up.

Suddenly the person that was standing before me cleared their throat before speaking

"Hello Zaynie!"


So here's an update. Sorry It's a bit late but I promise the next will be quick.

So who do you think was in the alley with Zayn?

And what do you think about Zayn having cancer?

Will he tell the boys or not?

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow :D

dedicated to @1DAroundTheWorld because her comment made me laugh :D

From now on the best comment will get a dedication.

PS thank you to all those people who read, comment and vote my story. Each and everyone of you motivates me to write. I am grateful to all of you =>

*thank you*

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