Chapter 1

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Zayn's POV

I never had the words to say but now I'm asking you to stay

For a little while inside my arms, and as you close your eyes tonight

I'll pray that you will see the light

That's shining from the stars above

I finish my solo with a sign, trying my best to enjoy the concert while we are at it and trying to hide my pain through a tight smile. But the pounding in my head was not decreasing. I tried to distract myself by looking at the fans, waving and smiling at them. Running my eyes through the crowd my gaze stops at a boy who looks around eight years old jumping up and down excitingly with our songs holding onto a man's hand who is smiling at him with adoration. Looking at them I start to think about my relationship with my father and that day when it all happen.

I was watching TV at my house (home alone) because I was sick. My mum took my sisters to her friend's house. Dad was locked up in his office again pacing therefore. Mom and dad are getting into a lot of fights these days. But mommy says I shouldn't worry about it saying that where ever dads stressed we shouldn't disturb him.

It's been two hours since mom left and now I'm getting hungry. Thinking I remember the cookies mum baked with me yesterday, running into the kitchen I realize that they were placed on the top shelf. Groaning I drag the chair towards the top shelf ready to get some sugar into my system when I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. I hurriedly tried to get off the chair when I accidently hit the cookie jar smashing it into 100 of pieces.

" ZAYN!!"

I heard my dad scream as he entered the kitchen, he looked at the cookie jar and then at me. "WHAT.THE.HELL.ARE.YOU.DOING? " My dad asked through gritted teeth.

"I was just hungry so I ... "


I stood there shocked, not understanding what has happened. In the distance somewhere I heard a door being closed. Finally comming back to my sences I realized two things. One my dad has left and second he just slapped me.

I was snapped out of my day dream when Niall patted me on my back going towards Harry who was singing his solo, while jumping around the stage. I smiled at their playful manner looking toward the other two when I realize that Louis was starring at me with concern filled eyes. He mouthed me if I was ok. I nodded while giving him a small smile.

He's always over protective of us, sometime it's very irritating but other than that it's very cute. These four guys are my life; they helped me through my hard times. They were the one who brought my walls down. Snapping out of my day dream once again, I realize that it was the end of the show.

"Thank you for coming tonight, I was a pleasure singing for you". Louis said into the microphone but you could barely hear it over the screams of the fans. Louis turned around and gave me a pointed look indicating that I should say something to the fans, as I spoke the least to the fans during our concerts. I brushed him off with a shrug leaning into Niall who was standing next to me as my headache increased. I close my eyes feeling the drowsiness already taking over my senses.

"Already getting tired Zee?" Niall whispered question as Liam bid his farewell. I nodded with keeping my eyes closed. "Ok just hold on baby, only a few more minutes".

Suddenly the lights got dim indicating that it was the end of the show. We were dragged off the stage and pushed towards our dressing room where we changed our cloths. "Come on Zayn." Harry said as he appeared in front of me. I crossed my arms and shake my head indicating that I'm not getting on. Giving me a pointed look, he took a step forward towards me and picked me up without a warning. I let out a girlish scream.

"What the hell, Harry put me down right now!" I ordered as the nearby people stared at us. "No can't do. I know you have a headache and that you are tired so shut up and enjoy". I blushed and nuzzled my face in his chest as he continued walking down the hall, the boys followed us laughing.

"Sleep baby you look tired, I'll wake you up when we reach the radio station" Harry mumbled while kissing my forehead. I let out a whine pouting my lips telling him that he is embarrassing me. Harry let out a laugh and ruffed my hair.

I heard someone laugh in front of me, looking up I saw Paul laughing at us. I suddenly felt heat rising on my cheeks. "Alright boys enough with the affection, we need to get all of you in the car before the fans start gathering  around the back door, we only have an hour to reach the radio station. From there we will leave for the next city."

"But Paul I'm tired" I whine, already feeling my headache getting worse. "Man up Zayn , you were the last one waking up today." Paul exclaimed, rolling his eyes at me.

Louis glared him, ready to defend me, when I stopped him. I didn't want Louis to create a scene. "Come on boys you heard Paul we need to get out of here." Liam mumbled while going towards the back door which would lead us to our van.

"Harry put me down please!" I said remembering what happened last time when the boys decided to pick me up in public. I didn't want to satisfy the paps. They always made me look weak and pathetic compared to the other boys.

Harry nodded and placed me on the ground but grabbed my hand pulling me with him. I untangled my hand from him and pushed him toward Niall saying that he needed Harry more than I do because of his claustrophobia.  We all walked out of the door, shocked to see so many fans waiting for us.

All the boys waved at them while I kept my head down because most of them were here for Niall, Harry, Liam and Louis, and because of my headache. Even If I kept my head up they would edit my picture saying that I was either drunk or high. Plus my dad made sure to remind me every day how ugly my smile was.

"Smile baby, you know how many people would die for that smile." Louis whispered while wrapping his arm around my waist. I gave a small smile towards the camera and jogged towards our van. As soon as I entered the van I let out a sign I was holding back.

"Tired Zayn?" Liam questioned as he adjusted his seatbelt. I nodded closing my eyes feeling tired and sleepy. The last thing I remember was Niall talking to Liam.


So everyone this is my first book. I hope you liked the chapter please don't forget to,



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