Chapter 11

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Narrator's POV

Zayn couldn't believe what happened in past few minutes. His mind was hazy. All he could think about was the kiss, Louis lips on his. He never knew Louis was gay. As far as Zayn knew he was dating Eleanor for the past three years and were happy with each other.

Fuck. That wasn't even the case.

Louis was a great guy. Zayn loved him dearly but in a brotherly manner. He never has sexual thoughts about Louis. He didn't knew where he had led Louis on.


Louis voice broke it's way through the tail of thoughts Zayn had. Zayn looked at Louis who had an uncertain expression on his face.

"Lou.... Ummm I don't know that to say, it's all very.."

Zayn speech was cut of by Louis who placed his hands over Zayn's mouth. "Please don't say anything I know it must be very confusing for you but try and give me a chance. I really like you and want to be with you Zayn. And I know you're bi so please don't give me that excuse."

Zayn never saw Louis pleading with someone. He never thought Louis had a variable side. He was also shocked because he though no one knew about his sexuality. Suddenly Zayn was angry, he couldn't understand what sparked this emotion. But he was angry. At his mum and sisters for leaving him, at his dad for hating him and this world who thought he was a terrorist, at God for giving him cancer and finally at himself for loving Liam, being gay and whether consciously or unconsciously leading Louis on.

"Lou even if would give you a chance, what about Eleanor? What about our management? What about our fans? And most importantly are you even gay? Do you even love me or are you just playing with me?"

Zayn never knew he had the courage to spoke to someone like this. After all that has happen in his past he never talked to someone like this. Maybe be it was all the stress that was talking toll on him. Even Louis himself seemed shocked.

"Look Zayn I know this must be all hard for you but trust me I have been crushing over you for more than a year. At first I thought it was just an attraction but slowly my feeling got more powerful. My feelings and love for Eleanor started to fade away, all I could ever think about was you. I don't care if I'm gay or bi all I care about is that I love you." There was so much emotion in Louis voice that Zayn couldn't believe it. One look at his face and Zayn knew Louis was telling the truth.

Even though Louis practically gave his heart to Zayn he still couldn't give back the same feelings.

"Lou I know you love me but I can't return the same feelings. You're a really nice guy and I love you but in a brotherly manner." Zayn said slowly. "In fact I already like someone else."

Louis took a sharp intake of breath. He knew Zayn would bring this up. People thought Louis was dense, but they were wrong. He saw the way Zayn would look at Liam. The longing look in his eyes and the blush that cover his cheeks every time Liam would talk and look at him was enough to conform his suspicion, that Zayn was indeed in love with Liam.

"I know you love Liam." Louis said slowing. Zayn looked at him shocked.

"How..? When..? I n-never told.." Zayn stuttered. His mind was over-thinking things. He couldn't let Liam know he has feelings for him. It could ruin everything. Liam already hated him, if he found out that Zayn has feelings for him it would get worse.

Louis saw the panicked expression on Zayn face. "No one knows about your feelings towards Liam. I just over heard you taking in your sleep." Louis said reassuring Zayn.

Finally understanding what Louis was saying Zayn took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart.

"Lou if you know that I love Liam, why are you confessing your feelings now? I mean you know I won't be able to love you so why?" Zayn asked because he was honestly confused. If Louis knew he loved Liam, why was he confessing his feelings. Wouldn't it hurt his feelings more?

His thoughts were cut short when Louis spoke." I couldn't deal with it anymore. The way Liam was treating you and with everything else happening, I couldn't stop myself for telling you."

"Umm.." Zayn didn't know what to say. It was all getting to much for him. He cleared his throat. "Lou I can't say anything right now. I need some time to think everything through. I want to be sure about my feelings before I say say something."

Louis stayed quiet for a minute but then nodded his head. They both stared at each other for a while before a Louis saw something on Zayn's neck which shocked him.

"Zayn what is that on your neck?" He just wanted to make sure that what he saw was wrong. Who would leave finger shaped bruises on his neck. Before Zayn could reply, Louis remember that Zayn reunion with Yasir.

"Please don't tell me your dad did that?" Louis pleaded but all Zayn could do was look down. He never wanted to make his friends worry.

Louis looked twice at Zayn to conform what he thought was wrong. "I am going to kill that bastard." He spat while moving towards the door.

"Lou please stop." Zayn exclaimed while grabbing his wrist. "I don't want the boys to know, they are already stressed out from the tour. I don't want them worrying about me."

Louis looked unsure but still nodded.

"I think we should head downstairs before Niall eats all of our breakfast." Louis said with a small smile. Zayn grinned at Louis's joke before nodding.

Zayn got of the bed where he was sleeping, he yawned before moving toward the bathroom. As Zayn entered the bathroom louis made his self comfortable on Zayn's bed. He stared thinking about the possibilities of him and Zayn together. He was so busy thinking about their lives together that he didn't hear the slight 'creak' that came from Zayn's bedroom door.

"What are you playing at?"

Louis slightly jumped from the sudden noise. He turned around and saw Liam standing at the door. "Umm liam I thought you were downstairs."

"Shut this crap Louis, what are you playing at? You have feelings for Zayn I mean Where did that come from?" Liam snapped as he glared at Louis.

Liam didn't know where this anger came from. He shouldn't be feeling angry. Zayn wasn't his, neither was he gay so why was he feeling angry? "I'm not playing with his feeling Liam I'm not you. I really love him and thank god because like some people I do have the courage to tell him." Louis said back feeling angry, because who was Liam to ask him all these questions.

"What do you mean I'm playing with his feelings?" Liam snapped angrily at Louis. "Oh please liam don't tell me that you don't know this." Louis said while rolling his eyes. He looked at Liam to see him standing there with a blank expression on his face.

"Omg you have got to be kidding me. You really don't know that Zayn has feelings for you?" Louis asked with a shocked expression on his face. He couldn't believe that Liam has missed something so obvious. Even a blind person could tell that Zayn has feelings for Liam. Louis was sure that even Harry and Niall knew about Zayn's feeling.

"What?" Liam asked still kind of shocked by what Louis has told him.

"For god sakes Liam Zayn is in love with you."


As always I am extremely sorry for making you all wait so long for the update. But I promise this time I had my reasons for the late update. First of all my WiFi single was fucked up and second my aunt's husband died.

this chapter is dedicated to @AngelMalikClifford. This chapter is not edited so sorry for the mistakes.




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