Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

As soon as we stepped out of the door, I had a bad gut feeling. Thinking it was just because of our crazy fans and Niall's claustrophobia, I stepped closer to him and interlocked our fingers together as an act of comfort. Half way through the car, the screams of the fans increased. The fans who were once trying to touch us in any way possible moved backwards and gathered around someone. Thinking it was just one of the lucky fans who got Louis hat we continue to walk further. Thanking got the once in our life there were no fans in front of the car I pushed Niall into it first and started to climb after him. But half way sitting in the car Louis voice stopped me.

 "Harry". I turned around to ask him what was wrong but stopped half way. Louis looked like he has just seen a ghost, he was pale and was looking frightened.

"What's wrong Lou?" I asked him. He didn't reply just pointed towards the mob of fans that was gathered around something or should I say someone. I tried to peek over the fans to see what was wrong but couldn't look through them. Turning back to Louis I realize that Liam was with him, he too looked scared and panicked but was composing himself much better.

Suddenly I realized that Zayn was not with them. Looking around I finally figured what was happening. Zayn my poor baby was trapped in the mob of fans and paps. They were all screaming and throwing questions at him. I stared at them in shock not knowing what to do.

"Harry we need to get h-him out of there. There are too many people and they are all screaming. H-he's going to have a panic attack soon." Louis said while looking at me with a scared expression. Realization drawn towards me and my body sprang into action.

"Paul! PAUL!!" I screamed trying to get his attention. As soon as he came towards us I started to bark orders at him. "Zayn is stuck in there. What are you doing? We need to get more security so they can push the fans back while we try to get Zayn out."

"WHAT? Zayn is in there? We'll get him out but harry it's too dangerous for you to go back in there." He tried to reason with me while pointing at the mob of fans. "Zayn is stuck in there, probably having a panic attack and you think it is dangerous for us to go in there?" I snapped at him, causing him to look at with a shocked expression because I have never spoken to his like this. He looked taken aback but neither less nodded and stared to get more security.

"You guys go get Zayn I'll be with Niall." Liam mumbled and looked unfazed by what was happening and jogged towards the car. If looks could kill Liam would be dead by now because of the death glare Louis was giving him. "What. The. Hell?" Louis muttered and started chasing Liam to ask him what was wrong, when I stopped him. "Louis leave him. We will talk to him later but now let's get Zayn out of that hell hole."

By now the security had arrived and was doing their best to push the fans away from Zayn. Louis and I ran towards Zayn and saw that he had fainted because of all this drama. Louis picked him up and we made our way towards the car before the fans could get all crazy on us again.

"I am going to kill the fans. What were they thinking? Don't they know that Zayn is the most fragile one out of us? Poor Zen he must be scared shit-less." Louis mumbled while looking at Zayn checking for any injuries. Louis muttered while checking Zayn's body for any injuries. He was fine except for the nail marks on his arms.

We all nodded while Liam comforted a scared Niall. I made a mental note to ask him what was going on between him and Zayn. Paul wanted us to take Zayn to the hospital but we denied it because we all know how much he hates the hospitals.  Finally after half an hour we reached our hotel. Paul took us in through the back gate so the fans won't be able to see Zayn.

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