Chapter 4

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Zayn's POV

"What?" I chocked out, still trying to wrap my head around the news.

"Stop acting like an innocent brat! You thought I would never know about your filthy deeds" Liam spat. If looks could kill I would have been dead by now because of Liam's death glare.

"But I don't even know what you are talking about!" I said because seriously, this was all getting out of my hand.

"Stop acting like an innocent brat! All this time I thought you were my friend but you were nothing but an arshole" Liam screamed at me.

"Are you even going to tell us why the hell are you screaming or you're just going to throw a fit." Louis shot at Liam speaking for the first time. Something about Louis words seem to made Liam only more mad .

"Oh my god!, don't tell me you guys don't know. " Liam said sarcastically. "Actually Liam it's better if you just explain us what's going on rather then telling riddles." Niall said annoyingly , because honestly Liam was making no sense.

"Liam honestly I didn't do anything. You must have som-..." I didn't complete my sentence because of the death glare Liam was giving me. His gaze reminded me a lot of my father, which had me shrinking back.

"Liam." Niall said it was more of a warning then a question but he didn't stop staring at me.

I could feel his gaze on me. I knew that I was minutes away form having a panic attack. My breathing was decreasing when I felt Louis arm around me. Burring my head in his chest I tried to calm my breathing. After a minute or two finally by breathing was normal.

"Ok Liam, this is enough. You have no right to talk to Zayn like that, either you explain what the fuck is wrong or get your shit together." Harry spat. I looked up from where I was hiding in Louis chest to see Harry standing face to face with Liam.

Liam let out a humorless laugh. "You really want to know what's wrong? Don't you! Well OUR LOVING BEST FRIEND AND BAND MATE HAS A FUCKING AFFAIR WITH MY GIRL FRIEND!"

It took us all a minute to understand what has happened, and what Liam said. If we were in an other situation I would have laughed at him. Because the guy on which I had a crush, was blaming me on having an affair with his girl friend.

Louis was the first one who snapped out of the shock. "What!! You must be mistaking it Liam!" he exclaimed throwing his hands up in order to prove his point.

"I am not mistaking it Lou, Sophia called me and confessed herself." Liam said while glaring at me.

"Liam. You must have misunderstood her. I would never do this to you, our anyone else." I pleaded while taking a hold of his hand, in order to show I am sincere.

Liam made a scoffing noise, and pulled his hand away from me."Do you really think I will believe you. You are just fucking twat."

All I could really do was stair at him. Out of all this conversation, what really hurt me was the words Liam was calling me.

"L-liam please, I-I haven't done a-anything" I stammered trying desperately to make him believe me. But he did nothing just shake his head and stepped away from me.

"You know what Zayn? Your dad was right. You are nothing but a worthless waste of time and space." Liam snarled at me.

Gasps filled the room but all I could hear was Liam's voice which was taunting me. Trying to get out of this situation I moved back and tripped over the couch and fell on the floor with a thud. Louis and Harry came running towards me and threw questions and me asking if I was ok.

Love like ours ( Zianourry) ( Zayn centric )Where stories live. Discover now