Chapter 12

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Narrator's POV

"He is in love with you Liam!" Louis exclaimed while throwing his hands in the air to make his point. "He has been in love with you ever since the X- factor. Haven't you notice Liam, no matter what you say or do he always forgave you?"

Liam just stared at the wall behind Louis, the wall was filled with pictures of Zayn, his family and all the boys. No one knew that each and everyone of those pictures on the wall held a sentimental value for Zayn except for Liam. Who once asked him.

They had just return back from their Up all night tour and planned to have a get-together at Zayn's place. It was nearly midnight when the credits of the movie started to play. Zayn and liam were the only one's awake.

Zayn cleared his throat before saying "Umm do you want to change? I can lend you some of my sweats?" Zayn asked as he started to get up. Liam simply nodded before getting up as well. "Why don't you go up into my room, I'll just get some blankets for these three then follow you." Zayn whispered before going down to hall to fetch some blankets.

Liam whispered a small 'yes' before moving towards Zayn's room. He turned the nob and entered the dark room, feeling the wall for the light switch, he accidentally knock down a frame from the wall. Hastily turning on the lights, he saw that it was a picture of Zayn and his sisters. He looked up to see where the frame has fallen from. He was shocked to see that the whole wall was filled with different pictures of the boys and Zayn's family.

"Umm Liam here are some sweats, do you want a shirt too." Zayn asked as he came into the room with a pair of sweats in his hand.

"Zayn.. What are there? No I mean I know what there, obviously these are pictures but why is your wall covered in them." Liam asked still fascinated by the wall.

"Umm.. They... Um they are nothing. I just like these pictures so I got them framed and placed them here." Zayn said in a quite voice while looking down at his feet desperately trying to his his blushing cheeks.

Liam turned around to see that Zayn was blushing and avoiding eyes contacts. Two things which indicated that he wad lying. " Oh come on Zaynie you and I both know that you are lying." Liam teased with a small smirk on his lips.

Zayn looked up from where he was glaring at his bare feet. He pleaded Liam with his eyes, to let the topic go but when Liam only smirked he huffed before whispering, "These pictures are like a story of my life. All these pictures show the most happiest moments of my life. It shows that these seven people on my wall are my life. You, Niall, Harry, Louis, mum and my sisters are my life, these are all the memories."

"But why stay in the past Zayn when you can have a bright future. I know you don't wanna talk about it but all these memories are always going to remind you of your father, why wanna remember him when you can forget him." Liam asked while looking at Zayn.

"Liam I don't think you will understand but these pictures are part of my life." Zayn said while looking out of the window. Liam just smile at him before saying "I understand Zayn."

"For heaven sake's liam snap out of it." Distracted from his day dreaming Liam looked up and give a glare to Louis.

"What Louis?"

Louis gave him a look which said 'are you serious'. When Liam didn't say anything for a minute Louis finally snapped.

"What the hell is wrong with you Liam? I practically screamed at you that Zayn is in love with you and all you do is stare at me with this expressionless face with a daze look in your eyes. Don't you have to say anything." Louis all but screamed at him.

"What do you want me to say Louis?" Liam snarled at him. "Do you want me scream that I'm fucking gay too. Do you want me to tell the world, that I'm gay when I'm thinking of proposing to my girlfriend? Tell me Louis, what do you want me to say?"

Louis looked at his with shocked eyes. He opened and closed his mouth a few times resembling a gaping fish. Suddenly realization drawn to him, making him go pale. He stared at Liam before whispering, " You are in denial."

"For fucking sake's Lou speak up."

"You are in denial. I can see the love in your eyes when you look at Zayn. I can see the worry, the affection, the care Liam. You love him but you are afraid to tell him."

Liam was about to reply, when the bathroom door clicked open. Zayn came out of the door, freshly showered. "Umm what are you doing here?" he asked looking at Liam and Louis who both stood wide- eyed in front of him.

"Umm..... We....."

"Oie you three, get you butts downstairs. Harry won't let me eat anything without everyone sitting on the table." Niall said as he entered the room, playfully glaring at them. Louis thanked god for Niall's timing before smiling widely.

"Niall is right guys, I'm starving let's get down stairs before Blondie over there eats all of our food like he does when we are on tour." Louis said while pointing at Niall who flashed him his middle finger.

"Oh talking about tour, I forgot to tell you that Paul just came by half an hour ago, he said that we'll leave for USA by tomorrow so pack your bags by the night. Oh and Zaynie don't worry about packing your stuff cause I'll do it for you." Niall said while playfully winking at him.

"Come on guys let's go downstairs. I'm starving." Louis said while pushing Niall out of the room leaving both Zayn and Liam in an awkward silence.



They both said at the same time. "Liam why don't you go on. I need to make a call, give me five minutes please." Zayn said while tilting his head towards the door.

Liam look hesitant before nodding. He gave Zayn on last look before stepping out of the room. Zayn quickly locked the door before getting his cell phone from the night-stand and calling Dr. Ethan. He picked up by the forth ring.

"Zayn I was waiting for your call. So what have you decided? Should I book you a room. We can start your first chemotherapy within three days." he said.

Zayn took a deep breath. " Umm no. I'm sorry but can we push the chemo for like two months. Look I know it's not save but the boys are already very tense and I don't want to worry about my situation. So can you like give me some medicines for sometime please." He waited for sometime, with crossed fingers. Finally what seems like hours the Doctor replied.

"Why don't you come to my office this evening and we can talk this out."


Sorry for taking so Long. Hope you enjoy this chapter, it's basically a filler. I have posted another story "second chance at love." I hope you all will like it. It's on office Ziam AU with dark Liam :D




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