Chapter 2

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Louis POV

We were on our way to the radio station. I looked up from my phone to see to see, Liam texting on his phone, Niall scrolling through his news feed on twitter and harry starring out of the window. I looked to Harry's left and couldn't help but smile when I saw Zayn curled up in his seat sleeping quietly.

He looked so cute and carefree while sleeping. Running my eyes through this body, I saw the fading scar that was engraved into his skin. He tried to hide it, by getting a tattoo. One look at the scar made my blood boil. I could never understand what kind of a father Yasir was. How could someone abuse their child and not some child but Zayn. I mean he literally worshiped the ground where his father walks. Even now when he would visit his family, he would treat his father like a fucking prince.

"Don't you think he's getting a bit more sleepy then normal?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when Niall asked this question to no one in particular. "Knowing Zayn, I think it's normal." Harry exclaimed while starring out of the window. I couldn't but frown, when I thought about what Niall was saying.

 Zayn's sleeping habits have changed drastically from last month. He always complains about how tired and sleepy he is. "Maybe it's because of the tour." Liam snapped at us without looking us from his cellphone. "For now let's just let him sleep." Harry said while creasing his cheek lovingly. We all nodded, dropping the topic.

The rest of the ride was mostly peaceful, except for Niall who was consistently complaining about being hungry. Finally we reached the radio station. I couldn't help when a sign escaped my lips. I swear to god, I would have killed Niall if we stayed in this van for another minute.

"Alright boys, here we are. So all you lot need to do is quickly get inside, without talking to the fans. Cause we are already late. You can later apologize to them on twitter." Paul stated as he looked at us from the front seat. He suddenly groaned when he looked at Zayn in his sleeping state. "And someone wake that hibernating bear too." All the boys laughed at his comment and started to get out of the van leaving me to do the hard job like always. I moaned and over to Zayn, slightly shaking him.

Zayn's pov

I was disturbed from my peaceful slumber when I felt someone shaking me. Groaning I slapped the hand away and tried to get into a more comfortable position on my bed. When I suddenly realize that it was not my bed but a car seat. I slowly got up into a sitting position. "Sleep well baby?" Louis questioned while running his hand through my hair. I glared at his for called me a baby but he ignored it.

As soon as we got out of the car, we were surrounded by the paps and fans. I closed my eyes due to flashes of the cameras, because they were increasing the pounding of my head. Louis placed his hand on my lower back as he guided us through the crowed.

"Took you long enough, I thought you fucking died." Liam snapped at us while glaring at me. As soon as he said that I felt the atmosphere changing between us. One look in his eyes had my cringing away. I merely shrugged my shoulders as Liam walked away. I don't know what's wrong with him but he has been acting very hostile towards us since last week.

"What's wrong with him?" I questioned Niall exclaimed while placing his arms around my shoulders as we walked towards the recording booth. "I don't know maybe he's on his period." Niall exclaimed. I had to bite down my lips in order to hold my laugh as Louis and harry burst into fits of laughter.

As soon as we entered the booth we were told that we only have five minutes before the show starts. "Ladies and gentlemen we are back after the short break with the world's number one band ONE DIRECTION !." as soon as the interviewer said that I zoned out, because I never really talked in the interviews. Usually I would just laugh and answer a few questions here and there.

"Zayn! She asked you a question." I was snapped out of my thoughts (which I have been doing a lot today) when Liam snapped at me. I looked up to see his eyes flaming with anger and frustration, but most of all annoyance. I cringed and looked away because his eyes reminded me a lot of my father when he would be angry at me. Shaking my head, as I tried to erase the memory I looked at the interviewer and asked her to repeat the question.

I was listening to the interviewer when I felt a wave of dizziness hit me. I tried to steady myself by placing my arm on the table that was in front of me. "You alright there?" the interviewer asked me. I tried to gather up my thoughts and mustered up a smile. "Yes, sorry I kind of lost my balance. The boys shot me concern glance but I ignore them. I didn't wanted to be in the spot light. As soon as the interview was over, we all let out a sign of relief.

"Come on lads, let's head out. We have to leave for Chicago today." Liam mumbled while running a hand through his hair. We were heading out towards the entrance we I felt dizzy again. I steady myself against the wall and started following the boys trying me best to ignore the dizzy feeling. Like before the entrance was packed with the paps and fans.

Narrator's POV

The boys were half way through the crowd when a foot came out of nowhere and tripped Zayn. Falling to the ground, he managed to place his hands down before he face planted the concrete. He could hear the screams of the boys, who were shouting at the security to get Zayn out of there. Hell broke loss, when the paps and fans realize that Zayn had fallen down.

Bodies were pushing up against him and the obnoxiously bright lights of the cameras were all focused on him, which were not helping his head ache. They were all screaming at him, some in excitement, while others were throwing insults. He was still down on the ground, hands were grabbing at his cloths, his hair, and just about anything they could reach. Trying to push away the hands, Zayn hopelessly searched for the security, for the boys, for anyone who could help him out of this situation. His heart was beating wildly as the voices he didn't recognize, yelled out to him. The loud screams of the fans, as they tried to get closer to him were creeping him out.

Panic rose in him as the screams got louder. Hands were pulling his shirt, some even at his hair. But he finally lost it when, someone accidentally landed a kick on his ribs. Flashbacks ran through his mind, as he tried to concentrate on his breathing. Finally the dizziness got the best of him. Thanking god that the overwhelming panic was finished, he fainted.


So here's the next chapter. I know I was supposed to update yesterday, but I had some problems. I hope you would like this . delecated to zaynee_paynee cause she is one of my best-friend and a huge directioner. Don't forget to,



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