Chapter 13

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Narrator's POV

Zayn never thought sneaking out of his own house would be this difficult. He had tried twice but no avail. The first time he tried to get out of the house Harry caught him. The second time, well let's just say his clumsiness got in the way.

It was like God wasn't at his side today. He let out a small groan before slumping further on the sofa. He pointlessly changed the channels of the television, as he had nothing else to do.

The boys were continuing there tour of north America, as they didn't want to disappoint the fans neither did Zayn. It was one of the main reason for him to get an appointment with Dr. Ethen. So at the moment Niall and Harry were packing his cloths for the tour, because as Niall said Zayn needed 'rest'. Louis and Liam were in there respective rooms.

Straightening up, Zayn realized that there was no-one in the living room at the current moment. Which means he could walkout without anyone noticing. Quickly pulling his boots on, he picked up a hood that was lying on the chair and ran into the kitchen. He hastily wrote a note.

'Going out for a walk. Will be back soon.'

Zayn xxx

He placed the note on the kitchen counter before moving into the hallway that led straight to the entrance door. He wrapped a scarf around his neck before walking out of the door.

Releasing his breath which he didn't realize he was holding Zayn started to walk down the pavement.

The hospital was an hour walk away. He felt calm and at peace while walking. It helped him clear his mind. Thinking about all that has been happening in his life gave him a headache.

Cancer. Liam. Family. Doctor. Louis. The list kept going on. He didn't knew how to handle it. The stress was becoming to much. With Louis continuously asking about his feeling or what he has decided was getting annoying.

Zayn was hundred percent sure that the kiss they share that night was a heat of the moment. It would never happen again. No matter how hard he tried, he could never love Louis, the way he loved Liam.

Thinking about Liam made his heart ache. He couldn't understand when he started to fall for. When all those meaningless touches, started to meant so much more.

Kicking a stray rock, Zayn looked up from the pavement and saw some kids playing in the park across the road.

'Maybe, I had I fucked up childhood that is why I crave attention.' he though to himself. Lost in his thought, he didn't realize that he had reached the hospital.

Walking inside, he nearly moaned as the warm air hit his face. Pulling his Hood down, he walked straight to the reception. "Umm.. Hi. I have an appointment with Dr. Ethan." He said to the receptionist, who thanks to god was a middle age women.

She looked up from the magazine, she was so engaged with. Her eyes widened before she spoke in a quiet whisper. "Aren't you in one of those famous boyband?"

Zayn eyes widen in horror "Please don't scream my name, I'll give you anything you want." he rushed out.

'This cannot be happening.' Zayn thought as he worriedly stared at her.

"Oh dear! No that is not what I meant. I mean my daughter is a huge fan. So can I get an autograph?" She asked.

Zayn let out a sign of relief. "Of course. Who do you want me to sign this for?" He asked.

The women gave Zayn a blinding grin, before passing him a piece of paper and pen.


Zayn signed the paper before passing it back. "You can go sit in the waiting area. A nurse will be there shortly to take you to Dr. Ethan's office." The receptionist said.

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