Chapter 10

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Narrator's POV

By the time Zayn reached his apartment it was nearly midnight. After Yasir Left Zayn in the ally, all he could think about was the money Yasir was demanding.

As far as Zayn remembered he never provided Yasir money. It was a kind of promise he made to himself. He didn't wanted to turn to one of those kids who would keep their abuser away by giving them money. While walking toward his apartment he tried to come up with a person who would do that but his mind was too cloudy to think about it.

He looked up from the floor towards his apartment door and saw his own reflection. He couldn't even look at himself. The boy standing in front of him was weak and scared, a boy who couldn't even protect himself. His face was puffy, blotched and swollen from all the tears and crying. There were finger shaped bruises on his neck where Yasir had tried to choke him. Over all the boy looked exhausted.

Shaking his head he stepped forward and rang the doorbell because he had forgotten his keys at home in the morning. The door was opened by a frantic looking Paul, who looked on the verge of having a panic attack.

"Zayn? Where the hell have you been?Do you know how worried I have been?You were gone for eight hours. It's nearly midnight." Paul said once he pulled Zayn inside the house.

"I'm sorry I made you worried. I went out for a walk and I guess I got carried away." Zayn replied while looking at the floor. He knew if he looked up, Paul would realize in a heartbeat that Zayn was hiding something form him or much worse telling a lie.

"Got carried away? Zayn it's rain cats and dogs outside, you are socked from head to feet, how can you get carried away?" Paul replied. He looked at Zayn in disbelieve. The moment he opened the door, Paul had realized something was wrong with Zayn. The bloodshot eyes and slump shoulders had further clear his suspicion.

Zayn was moving from one foot to another. He couldn't think of an excuse which would get his out of this situation. He opened his mouth to tell Paul that he was tired and didn't wanted to talk to him when Paul spoke.

"Why don't you go change out of these wet clothes and rest. We'll talk about this in the morning, when the boys will be here."

Zayn stopped dead in his tracks. The boys weren't suppose to be here until next week. "The boys?" his voice was just above a whisper.

"Hmm.. It must have slipped out of my mind. When you didn't came back after your appointment I got worried and kind'a call the boys. So they are coming back as soon as they can." Paul said sheepishly.

Zayn wanted to fight Paul, he wanted to scream at him for scaring the boys. It was very hard for them to get some free time. Zayn didn't want to disturb any of them. But instead of saying something he simply nodded and walk away.

Entering his room Zayn didn't had the energy to change his clothes. Falling face first toward the bed he let out a sign thinking what will happen in the morning before falling asleep.


Niall was the first one to reach Zayn's apartment next morning. It was around eight a.m so he was dead sure that Zayn would still be sleeping. He wanted to talk to Zayn, he wanted to ask Zayn where the hell was he? But the boys had made it clear last night that they would talk to Zayn together.

Niall got comfortable on Zayn's couch while waiting for the others to show up. After two boring hours of doing nothing other than changing channels of the TV Harry showed up.

"Hi man! What's up?" Niall asked once Harry got comfortable beside him.

"I'm fine Nialler. What about you?" Harry asked. The boys hadn't talk to each other since the beginning of their vacation. It just has been very busy.

The boys made small talk until Louis arrived. By noon all the boys had arrived. After Liam came they all thanked Paul and sent him home. Because no matter what that man say he still had a family.

"So now for the hard part, let's go wake up Zayn." Harry said while moving up the stairs.

Harry gently knock on the door before opening it. He didn't wait for a reply before moving inside because you can play a rock band beside Zayn and he would still sleep through it.

All the boys piled up in his room. Niall looked at Zayn with a fond smile before moving forward and shaking him lightly. Zayn let out a groan before turning over.

Niall let out a laugh before shaking him a bit harder. "Zayn, Zayn come on wake up buddy."

Zayn again turn over before slowly opening his eyes. "Niall?" he asked slowly while rubbing his eyes with his fit resembling a toddler.

"Yup its me buddy. How are you feeling?" Niall asked while running his fingers through his hair. By now all the boys had made themselves comfortable.

"Been better but i'm fine." Zayn replied while sitting up.

"Look Zayn we need to talk to you. You can't keep running around like that Zayn. It's not save. We know that Yasir won't hurt you but other then that there are many people around the world who would want to hurt you so please stop doing this." Harry exclaimed while running his hand through his hair.

Zayn just stare at them. So it much be one of them he thought to himself.

"Look Zayn you scared the shit out of all of us. Do you how worried we all were when Paul called us yesterday?" Liam asked but all Zayn could think about was the fact that it was one of the boys who gave money to his dad.

The boys waited for Zayn to say something but he just stared at his lap.

After sometime Zayn finally looked up and said "I met my father yesterday"

All the boys looked at him to continue. "He asked about the money which apparently I gave him every month. Can you please tell me which one of you gave him money?" Zayn asked.

For a few minutes they all just looked at each other before Louis spoke up "It was me."

Zayn looked hurt before he looked at the other boys. "Can you please leave us alone I want to talk to Lou."

All the boys nodded before slowly piling out of the room. Liam look reluctant before going out of the room.

"Why would you do that Lou? I trusted all of you. You knew how I feel about those people." Zayn asked while looking at Louis who slowly walked towards him.

"I did this because I don't want you to get hurt Zayn. I don't like seeing you in pain Zayn. I hate seeing your eyes filled with tears." Louis replied while slowly getting closer to Zayn.

He looked into Zayn's eyes and Zayn saw something flicker in his eyes before he move forward and smashed their lips together. Zayn's lips were just like Louis has imagine. His lips were surprisingly soft for a guys lips but still harder then a girl's lips. He moved his lips against Zayn before nudging them slowly but Zayn lips remain frozen. Finally when Louis realize that Zayn was not going to move he pulled back but not before pecking him lightly. He looked into Zayn's eyes which were wide before saying.

"I don't like seeing you hurt because I love you."


Like always  I am very sorry for such short and late update. i hope you liked it. Dedicated to @ninjaterran because she was very close to guessing. thought most of you have been close but no one could guess it properly. Don't forget to add #ZouisKiss in your comments. Don't forget to




miral xxD

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