Chapter 5

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Narrator's POV

"D-dad" Zayn stuttered into the phone. He couldn't believe his ears. After all that the boys has done for him, he was sure that he would never hear form him again.

"Still the same pathetic bitch I see, stuttering like a faggot." Yasir snarled from the other end making Zayn crying out of fear.

"D-dad you? But h-how? The boys said that I w-would never hear from you again." Zayn whimpered pathetically into the phone. He was scared and frightened that his dad would some how drag him back into that hell hole, taking him away from the boys.

Even though Zayn knew the boys would never let his father near him. He was still scared. He father was capable of doing anything. Zayn had realized this after his father won his custody, when his parents got divorced.

"Did you really think I would let you go? After all this time, you should have realized that you are mine." his dad snapped through the phone. By now Zayn had nearly forgotten to breath. Trying to labor his breathing Zayn tried to reply back but his father beat him to it.

"You know I saw the news, the other day. So now you have starting going drugs Zayn? Looks like someone needs to learn a lesson." Yasir said smirking at the other end. Thinking about the beating and what the boys had promised him all that time ago, Zayn finally had the courage to reply back.

"T-the boys w-would never let you hurt me, I know they will protect me." Zayn said through the phone, he wanted to say more but he was cut off with the knock on his door.

"Zayn you OK. The boys are ordering dinner, what do you want to eat." Niall questioned through the door. Zayn didn't reply though, he was scared off how Niall will react if he found out that Yasir had called.

"Looks like you have to go Zaynie, but don't worry we will see each other soon." Zayn cringed at the nickname. But when his mind registered what his father has said, he started to freak out.

He knew if he went out back to the boys they will defiantly know that something was wrong. The boys already had a lot of stress these days because of the tour. Zayn didn't want to increase their tensions so he slide into his King size bed and tried to sleep.

The rest of the week was full of events. The boys had total of five interviews and three concerts, which were all great. Thankfully the boys were getting a two week break, in which they would fly back to The U.K Zayn didn't had any more of his fainting episode and the rumors that related him had finally died down.


The boys were on their way to an interview. It was their last interview before the break. Zayn was feeling sick and dizzy again. Since he had gotten up he had felt lightheaded and just wanted to lie down but he couldn't miss this interview.

He hadn't told his boy but knew that Liam was aware of the fact that he wasn't feeling good. Even though liam was still mad at him, He shot a worried glance at Zayn after every few minutes. As they walk out of their hotel lobby towards the car, Liam quickly sat down next to the younger boy.

"Are you okay?" Liam whispered into his ear. Zayn just nodded because one he was shocked that liam was talking to him and second he was too sick to reply, so he decided to stay quiet. As they drove to the studio he looked out of the window, not paying attention to the boys who were laughing about some things.


It would be an understatement to say that the boys were worried. They were going crazy because they all knew that something was wrong. Zayn acted different since the past week, he barely talked to them and he didn't look well.

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