15. score

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-"Mmm it's ok Win I'm fine walking. The club isn't even that far."

-"Baby..Are you sure? Can't you just wait until I'm done? I can come and pick you up."

Team sighed. Him and Win have been arguing over the phone for the past five minutes. Win wanted Team to wait but he was getting impatient so he just stared walking.

-"Win~ I'm fine! I can literally see the bar right now." Team lied. According to his gps on his phone the nightclub was another fifteen minutes away. He just didn't want Win to keep bugging him.

-"Ugh. I wish today wasn't the deadline for these stupid forms. I'll meet you there ok?" Win cribbed from the other line.

-"Mmm" Team hummed.

-"Alright I gotta go. See you there. Love you."

-"Mmm" Team answered before ending the call.

Team smiled hearing what his boyfriend said. He never gets sick of hearing it. But his smile quickly faltered and was replaced with a sigh when he glanced back at his phone.

'Another fifteen minutes...My legs are going to kill me tomorrow..That is if coach or Dean don't first'


After about seven-ish minutes of walking it was starting to sprinkle. The rain wasn't coming down hard yet but Team knew it was about to.

"Great" He sarcastically whispered to himself and he kept walking, trying to pick up the speed a little.

He walked quietly, minding his own business. The rain was getting heavier by the minute. He was almost to the bar, it was in seeing distance when he heard something.

There was a construction site right across the street from the bar. He saw a few men staring at him with these awful smirks on their faces.

'Did...Did I just get catcalled?' The look of disgust ran across his face.

He just decided to ignore it and keep walking. The men kept whistling and calling him names. When he heard one of them call him 'baby' he almost felt like vomiting. He only liked it when Win called him that and hearing someone else call him 'baby' repulsed him.

It was finally pouring when Team finally made it to the bar. After the bodyguards checked his ID they allowed him inside where he spotted Manaow along with a whole crowd of people around her.

"TEAM!!!" Manaow screamed over the music and squeezed through the crowd of people to get to him.

"Ao! Team! You're soaked!" She said with genuine concern on her face and her hands were hovering over his wrists.

"I'm ok Manaow. It's only a little rain. I won't die." He said smiling at her to help her cheer up.

Manaow hit his arm. "You won't die but you could easily get sick!"

Team chuckled rubbing his arm where Manaow had hit. "Ehhh~ Stop worrying about me! It's your birthday! Go celebrate! I'm going to wait for Win at the bar." He placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Mmm~ Where is Win by the way? And how did you get him to agree to coming?"

"Uh he said he had some type of paperwork to fill out? Something about it being the last day to turn them in?" Team shrugged.

"And getting him to come?"



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