5. nerdy boy

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"Is Win here?" the girl repeated, Team hadn't answered her the first time.

"Uh..he actually just left-" before he could finish his sentence she had pushed him to the side and had let herself in.

"When is he gonna be back?" the girl said through the smacks of her gum.

"He said he would be back in about an hour...he left around 30 minutes ago..." Team's tone was soft, he couldn't bring himself to be rude back to her, as he was a little intimidated by her.

"Win didn't mention he had a roommate.." the girl was now looking Team up and down. "Anyway could you call him? Last time we met up I forgot to ask for his number."

Team wanted to ask who she was but he was to scared to ask so he just did as she so "politely" asked.





-"Uh..yeah..um..where's Win?"

-"He's showering right now."

-"Oh..well when he gets out will you tell him I called and that he has a guest. She seems to be on a bit of a time crunch."

-"Sure thing Team."


>The Pools<

"Who was that?" Win walked around the corner drying his hair with his towel.

"Team..He said some girl was waiting over at your apartment. He said she's being a bit impatient."

"Girl...? Who..?" Win stood there trying to think of who would be over at his house this early in the morning.

"Oh no..."

"Win? What is it? Who is she?"

Win ran over to his locker and grabbed all of his belongings.

"I'll tell you later! I gotta go!" Win ran off leaving Dean in the locker room all by himself.

"Hm..Oh well!" Dean shrugged. "Lets see if Pharm is up!" Dean said smiling, pulling his phone out of his gym bag, dialing Pharm's number.

>Back at Win's apartment<

"So..? What'd he say? I don't have all day." the girl said harshly when she saw Team

"Uhm..he actually didn't answer..his friend did. He said he's in the shower."

"Ugh" the antsy girl said in annoyance.

Team just stood there looking down to the floor fidgeting with his hands.

The girl walked herself over to Win's bed and sat down.

'She's sitting on his bed?' Team thought to himself, he was beginning to mindlessly worry about what this meant.

"Uhh....What's that?" The girl asked from the other side of the room.

Team turned around to see her pointing at the one and only Mr. Broccoli on the bedside table. He stayed quiet staring at the mistletoe, thinking of how he could possibly tell her it was just a mistletoe even though it looked like a bunch of broccoli.  This deep thought resulted in several minutes of the girl's question being left unanswered.

"Whatever I don't even want to know now..." The girl once again gave unneeded sass and rudeness.

"May I ask your name?" Team asked. He had finally gained some courage.

"No you may not. Nerd. Who uses the word 'may' anymore unless you're asking your teach to use the loo?"

Team had now lost all of his patience. "Uhm people with common manners use the word 'may' not that you would know anything about it though! And who in the hell says the word loo!?!"

The girl sat there in shock to Team's comeback.

"Ok but seriously who says loo?"

Team and the annoying girl turn their heads to see who butted into their conversation and they see Win standing in the doorway with both his arms crossed.

"Ugh Win! What took you forever!? You had me waiting here for you with this nerd." the girl says as she looks Team up and down.

"Dao...We agreed on the time 6:00pm not am." Win said.

Team stood there watching as the two started arguing about what time they had scheduled what was still a mystery to him. The two completely ignored the fact that there was a third person in the room.

Team walked over to the door where Win was still standing. He grabbed his shoes and placed a hand on Win's shoulder and said "You can come talk to me when you're done doing...whatever it is you're supposed to be doing right now."

Team walked out the door heading towards his apartment down the hall as Win watched.

'Crap! He's totally got it all wrong!' Win thought to himself as he saw what the situation would look like to an outsider.

"Thanks a lot Dao! Now my boyfriend thinks we're sex buddies!" Win yelled in frustration.

"Ewww! With you!? Please! I would never!"

The two stood there staring at each other for a while before Dao finally spoke up.

"Look it's not my fault that your nerd boyfriend got the wrong idea. Thats completely on him for thinking that."

"Is it?" Win asked in an aggravated tone.

"What?" Dao questioned confused.

"Well I don't suppose you told him why you were here?" Win raised a brow.

"Ok I didn't...But I dont see how that is any of his business!"

"How hard is it to say we got assigned to do a presentation together!?!" Win was clearly mad at this point. He was even turning slowly into a shade of red.

"Fine..Do you want me to go tell nerdy boy that we aren't buddies under the blanket and that we're partners on a project?! Is that what you want Win!?"

Win sighed "No... that'll probably just further the misunderstanding.. I'll tell him myself."

"Yeah whatever I'm out of here. Im asking for a new partner on Monday so have fun."

Dao left the room leaving Win by himself.

'I have to go tell Team it was all just a big misunderstanding!' Win thought. He was so worried about what Team was thinking he was becoming anxious.

~~hehe this one is even shorter than the last one and i apologize, i just wanted to get this chapter up today since university starts tomorrow!!  and with that i also apologize in advance for the slower posts since i'll be preoccupied! but!! if i have any free time i'll spend it writing for you guys!! ALSOOOOO thank you so much for 1K reads!!! im so happy i feel like i could fly!! you guys are so supportive ily ;'))))

also sorry if there are any mistakes since i wanted to get this up asap i didn't get enough time to proof read it for grammar and spelling ~~ 

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