6. you got me

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As Win walked to Team's room he was so nervous his palms were becoming
clammy and he kept tripping over his own feet. He couldn't even think straight. The whole matter was having him racking his brain for any possible explanation that wouldn't make the truth seem like a lie.

When he had reached Team's door he couldn't even gather the courage to knock on the door, but to his surprise it opened. Team was standing there and Win notices that Team had changed, he was now wearing a navy blue sweater and his hair was damp.

Looking at Win fumble with his hands Team said "Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come in?" This caught Win by surprise, he thought Team would be mad at him or even sad but he looked completely fine, not even bothered.

Win raised a brow "Aren't you supposed to be upset? Like girls in dramas always cry or throw tantrums when their boyfriend has a suspicious girl over..."

Team shoved a piece of bread in Win's mouth, that he didn't even know he had. Then Team just turned around and walked inside leaving the door open. "Win just shut up and come inside."

Win takes ahold of the bread in his mouth and takes a bite "So you're not upset?" he asks in a muffled voice walking in shutting Team's door behind him.

"No. Why would I be? I have no reason to be, do I?" Team says as he starts to was a cup in his kitchen sink. It was a lie, he was upset but didn't want to admit it. Let alone confess to Win about it.

"No you don't but.." Win said taking another bite out of the food in his hand.

"But what?" Team asked questioning where Win's sentence was leading. He was thinking maybe Win had seen through his lie. That maybe his emotions were betraying him and he wasn't concealing his feelings on the outside. 'Win can't possibly see through me like a glass window...Can he? Am I that transparent when it comes to my own emotions?'

All these thoughts clouding in Teams mind, he zoned out for a split second missing Win's response.
"Huh?" Team said snapping back into reality.

"Nothing" Win said dropping his head, picking at the piece of bread. in his hands.

"No what'd you say? I want to know.."

Win kept his head down. "You weren't even a little bit suspicious?" he asked, but what his mind wanted to ask was not if he had been suspicious...but rather if he had been jealous. 'I guess he isn't that deep into the relationship enough to get jealous just because a girl showed up at his aparment door.' he thought to himself before his mind supplied him with the  image of the dejected look on Teams face when he left his room just minutes before.

"No-" Team said before Win cut him off.

"Why?" he asked looking up from his hands and locking eyes with Team.

"Win...Shes not your type" Team added returning his gaze and then going back to washing his dishes.

"Oh? Is that so? Then what exactly is my 'type' Team?" Win was smirking, he knew perfectly well what he was doing.

Team stopped in the middle of washing the same cup he had been minutes before and turned off the faucet, placing a hand on the edge of the sink and looked back at Win. 'This idiot is trying to trap me..Who's see-through now?' he thought to himself when an idea struck him.

"Well I would imagine your 'type' is the very frail ones , the ones who constantly bug, and have tons of makeup caked on...Oh! And don't forget the very special detail, they must have an attitude" Team said subconsciously patting himself on the back.

Team felt for certain he had Win cornered, that was until he saw him smirk.

Win started walking  towards Team, the smug look still glued to his face. Team took a few steps back, still gripping the sink for support.

When Win reached Team he smiled and cocked his head to the side, bringing his hand up to brush a piece of Team's now dry hair behind his ear.

"You got me." he said.

Team was in awe. This wasn't the reaction he was expecting at all.

"But.." Win started again, gaining Team's attention. "You ding all the boxes except for one now don't you?" Win's hand was now on Team's cheek.

"Unless you're secretly wearing makeup." Win playfully hovered his hand over his mouth making a shocked expression. Team hit him, realizing that his plan had now backfired. Win started caressing Team's cheekbone with his thumb and his eyes became soft.

"Is that how you managed to make me fall so damn hard for you?" Team looked up at him with this. He saw unshed tears resting in Win's eyes. It sent a wave of concern through Team's body. Unexpectedly Team lost control of his hands as they went up to cup Win's face.

"Win...what's wrong...Win please don't cry. Tell me whats wrong please." Team pleaded bringing his boyfriend's face closer with each word that came out of his mouth.

Win brought his hand up and touched Team's that was on his jawbone. He silently laughed, causing the tears in his eyes to fall. Team pulled his sleeves over his hands bunching them up in his palms, and wiped each tear from Win's face as they rolled down his cheeks.

Win took the hand of his partner that he had his placed upon and opened the fist holding the bunched up cloth of Team's navy blue sweater. He kissed Team's palm, before placing it back on his cheek.

Looking in Team's hickory brown eyes, he felt his heart skip a beat. 'How'd I get so lucky?' he thought to himself before he leaned into Team, hugging him with his face in the crook of Team's neck.

Team was wondering what flipped in Win's mind that made him go from his usual teasing self, to this soft and fragile man standing in front of him now. Team started to think that Win was crying because of what he said.

Guilt pulsed through Team's veins as he started soothingly caressing Win's back.

"Win.." Team started "If I was what caused you to cry...I'm sorry, I was only joking-" He was cut off. He felt Win's body vibrating beneath his hands. At first he thought he was crying again, but that wasn't the case. He was laughing.

"Win...?" Team brought his hands to Win's shoulder blades trying to look at him, but he wouldn't budge.

Win repositioned his head in Team's neck and wrapped his arms around Teams waist. He sighed and sniffled a little before turning and whispering in Team's ear.

He whispered the words 'I love you'.

{oooooh~ so cute! i'm in tears just from writing this. hehe...anyways sorry for the super long wait! hopefully it was worth it? i also wanted to say that i realize i have turned Win into such a softie,, but i think either way he's a softie either on the inside or out so i'm bringing his softness out in my writing...if you dont like it please let me know and ill try to tone it down a bit.. also sorry to have hit you with another sensitive/serious chapter,, i swear it will get funnier and happier as it goes just bear with me for a bit ;))}

{OH! and look forward to a second chapter this month since it didn't take me as long to spit out this chapter as i thought it would :))}

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