16. marked

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"Mmm! Win~ give me back my chips *hic*" Team tried reaching over Win's body to get the bag.

"Team there are no more chips you were just licking the bag!" Win outstretched his arm even further, making sure the latter couldn't reach. 

"Hmph! I need to eat or I'll throw up *hic* I-its common drinking knowledge babe~" Team pouted for the nth time tonight.

"Team the rule is you're not supposed to drink on an empty stomach not to eat after you've already drank." 

"Err whatever *hic*." Team rolled his eyes.

Win began stroking Team's hair. "Team-"

"I'm not Team." Team swatted Win's hand away.

"Huh? Then who are you?" Win's brows creased.

"I'm baby hehe" A smile appeared in Team face, causing his eyes to form into crescent shapes.

Win shook his head.

"Tea-" Win was cut off when Team suddenly toppled him. Sitting on his stomach with his legs on either side of Win.

"Team isn't h-here." Team placed his hands on Win's chest to help steady himself since his balance went out the window as soon as the first drop of alcohol touched his tongue.

Win also felt Team almost tip over so he moved his hands up on Team's thighs for support.

"Team. You're drunk. Lets sleep ok?" Win said, sounding a little worried.

"I'm not drunk...I'm Team hehe

Win rolled his eyes at the corny dad joke his boyfriend had just spit out.

"I thought you said Team wasn't here." Win lifted a brow teasing the younger.

Team blinked slowly and bit at his bottom lip like a toddler.

"Fine" Team huffed "I am Team, but! I still want you to call me baby just one more time." Team gave his puppy eyes, Win was finally getting a taste of his own medicine. 

"Why are you so adamant on the whole baby thing? I already said I didn't want to call you by the same name that drunk did." Win spoke in a defeated manner.

"Awee *hic*" Team caged Win's face in his palms. "You're so cute when you're jealous babe~"

Win stayed silent, glaring at his boyfriend pretending to be upset. Although he couldn't actually be mad at the person who had just called him cute.

"But..." Team continued unconsciously leaning forward a bit. "You seemed to have forgotten *hic* something.

Win moved a little underneath Team to try to get more comfortable.

"Hmm?" Win hummed tilting his head slightly in Team's hands.

"I'm *hic* yours. So it doesn't m-matter if that guy called me baby...I just want you..to" Team was having a hard time keeping his eyes open.

Win slid his hand off of Team's thigh and grabbed one of Team's hands, that was still cupping his face, and he brought it up to his lips to kiss his palm.

"Ok..Baby..but you still need to sleep..You look exhausted." Win spoke in a soft tone, trying to persuade the hiccuping boy.

"Mmm no I don't wanna." Team cribbed causing Win to close his eyes and deeply inhale.

Win cleared his throat after a moment. "Then what do you want to do?"

Thats when the cheesiest smile appeared on Team's face.

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