9. the key

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"Win what are you doing?"

Win was packing a suitcase. Putting all his belongings in the bag.

"I'm leaving. What else does it look like?" Win said in a tone of voice Team had never heard come out of his lover's mouth before.

"What? Why?" Team said sounding hurt. And he was.

"I don't love you anymore. I'm tired of waiting until you're ready." Win said continuing packing, he didn't dare to look at Team.

"What are you talking about? I thought we were doing fine. You said you could wait." Team went over to his fleeting boyfriend holding one of his arms.

"Yeah well I got tired of waiting!" Win roared throwing Team's hand off him, causing Team to fall back a few steps.

"What do you mean you got tired?" Team said as he caught his balance.

"I slept with Dao ok!" He walked over to the window pulling back the curtain. He pointed at a car waiting in the alley...Dao was standing outside it leaning on the door as she smoked a cigarette. "And I'm leaving you for her." He continued as he walked back over to his suitcase. He placed it on its wheels and started rolling it towards the door.

Team caught his arm, pulling him around to look at him.

"Please don't go." He said reaching up to cup Win's face, but Win smacked it away.

"Don't you understand? I cheated on you! I don't love you anymore!" He turned back towards the door and started walking again.

Once more Team pulled on his arm but Win shook him off and unlike last time he hadn't caught himself before he fell to the ground. He managed to pull himself back to his feet. But only to see Win still walking. Leaving.

"WIN! PLEASE!" The sudden scream caused Win to pause but only for a moment before he was moving again.

"WIN! I LOVE YOU! PLEASE!" Team screamed again sobbing as he fell to his knees.

Win kept ignoring him and grabbed ahold of the doorknob twisting it. He slightly turned his head back and spoke.

"Goodbye Team." He pulled on the door opening it.

"WIN! PLEASE!" Teams vision was blurry. All he could see was Win's figure walking out of the door. That's when everything went black.


"WIN!" Team screamed as he woke up in his bed. He was gasping for air as tears rolled down his cheek.

It was just a dream.

Team sat up trying to steady his breaths. He wiped away the remaining tears left on his face as he checked his clock on the bedside table.


'Great.' Team thought to himself as he got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face. After splashing his face with water he looked in the mirror at himself. His eyes were red and puffy and the tip of his nose was a bright shade of pink.

He decided he would go for a walk to clear his mind, because he knew even if he lied down he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. He grabbed a hoodie and some sweats from his wardrobe and got changed.

After tying his laces he grabbed his keys and headed out the door.

It had been several hours since Win had reluctantly left his boyfriend's room. He was now getting ready for bed when something caught his eye. It was the the small stuffed bear that Team had brought over the other night. A slight chuckle left when he picked up the small bear.

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