7. tell him

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'I love you'

Those three word kept cycling through Team's head for the rest of the night, causing him not to be able to sleep. He finally stopped fighting his body and decided to just get up and get ready for class, even though it was only 5 in the morning and is first class doesn't start until 7.

After tightening his tie and lacing his shoes, Team grabs his bag and walks out the door. When he got to the nearest bus stop he sat there and waited. The bus came and he hopped on heading for the back of the bus, he sat in the window seat and started to daze off looking at the world moving outside.

The bus came to a stop and an elderly woman got on the bus with the help of her walker. It was just him and her on the ride but yet she still walked towards him. Despite there being several open seats all around them, the old lady asked if she could sit next to him.

"Yes." Team answered, being polite. How could he say no to his elder?

The old lady sat down and proceeded to stare at Team for a few minutes, before she leaned towards the aisle and dug her hand into her purse that was hanging on her walker. She turned back to Team handing him a yogurt drink. When Team accepted it bowing his head she began to talk.

"You look like you are having some troubles in the love department son." she said.

"How did yo-" Team was shocked as he began to speak but was easily interrupted by the woman.

"Its written all over your face boy." Team was confused as he turned to look at his reflection in the bus window. He couldn't see what the woman was talking about, all he saw was a severely sleep deprived version of himself.

"What did your lover do that has you so tied up child?" the grandma asked sticking her straw in her yogurt.

Team was honestly in awestruck as to how the elderly lady knew what was wrong, and how she knew anything was wrong with him to begin with. But Team had decided that he would tell her, he really needed someone to talk to about this and he knew Manaow and Pharm would just tease him if he told them.

"He...He told me he loved me.." Team said in a low voice.

"Well then whats the problem?? Thats great isn't it??" The old lady said. Team had half expected her say something about the fact that he used the pronoun he instead of she, but she didn't seem phased at all. She almost looked delighted.

"I don't know...I'm still sorting through my feelings for him while he's being completely open. It makes me feel guilty for not reciprocating the emotions." Team said, spilling out things he never knew he even had on his mind.

"You didn't say it back?" the elder asked


Team lifted Win's head off of his shoulder and cupped his face, having the still teary eyed Win look at him. Team searched Win's eyes looking for any hint of dishonesty. There wasn't any. Win was being completely truthful.

"Win...I-" Win cut Team off placing a finger on his lips.

"I know you're not ready..so you don't have to say it back just yet. Im not going to push you Team." Win said locking eyes with his partner. He saw the look of guilt envelop Team's face.

"I care about you Win..I really do its just..." Team said closing his eyes, tilting his head downwards.

"I know.." Win started stroking Team's eyelids with his thumbs. "I know."

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