17. teddy

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Win's eyes fluttered open not long after finally getting Team to sleep. He chuckled to himself as he subconsciously compared himself to a parent finally getting a newborn baby to sleep. He looked out the window with Team still in his arms when he remembered it had been raining earlier tonight. Now the rain was heavier and the wind was picking up. He was starting to worry as it looked as if it was about to storm.

Win turned back to the sleeping boy in his arms. He brought one of his hands to rest on the nape of Team's neck. He really hoped the storm wouldn't wake his boyfriend. But much to his disappointment, thunder struck and rumbled through the sky. He heard a whimper escape Team's mouth as he snuggled up closer to Win burying his face in his chest.

Win tightened his grip around the boy when lightning cracked through the sky causing Team to start shaking under his touch.

"Win.." Team whispered with an unsteady voice, grabbing a fistful of Win's shirt in his hands.

"I'm here baby." Win whispered back, rubbing soothing circles on Team's back. He remembered how this helped calm the scared boy last time.

They lied there in silence for a while before the wind blew something against Team's window sending a loud clacking sound through the room.

Team jumped in place. "I'm scared." he muttered.

Win was starting to really worry, when an image of Team with his small brown bear clicked in his brain. Win recalled seeing it on the kitchen counter earlier today, so he tried to get up to go fetch it but he was stopped. Team had ahold of Win's arms looking up at him with glassy eyes.

"Where are you going?" Team asked sniffling.

"I'll be back, I'm just going to get your bear baby." Win answered bending down and caressing Team's cheek.

Team placed one of his hands on top of Win's. "I don't need it anymore. I have you."

Win crawled back into bed. "Are you sure?" he asked with big eyes filled with concern.

Team hummed and nodded as he got comfortable in Win's embrace again. "I had my teddy ever since the accident with my parents when I was a kid. It helped with the nightmares." Team was cut off by another round of thunder.

He looked up at Win before continuing. "As I got older though, it slowly quit helping. No one I knew could ever help with my episodes during storms, not even Manaow or Pharm. But then that one night with you..You calmed me down almost instantly." Team laughed to himself. "I had wondered if you gave me some sort of drug that would calm my nerves, but in the end it was just you."

Win smiled down and ran his fingers through Team's brown locks. "I'm glad I can help." He said pushing a strand of hair away from Team's forehead and placing a slight kiss there.

Silence fell upon them until the wind direction outside changed to where the rain was now harshly bouncing off the glass. Win felt Team tense in his arms.

"Talk about something baby, it seems to help you distract yourself." Win said lifting his head up to rest his chin atop Team's, getting a whiff of Team's strawberry scented shampoo.

"About what?" Team asked, his warm breath hitting Win's adams apple.

"Anything. It doesn't have to be anything specific, just...talk."

"Hmm...I guess, I could start off by telling you why I'm still scared of storms at my age..." Team said with detectable hesitance in his voice, which Win easily caught up on.

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