4. mr. broccoli

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Silence filled the room.

"Hey, look at me..." Win said with a serious tone, as he cupped Team's face.

Now locking eyes Win continued, "I don't want to ever do something that makes you uncomfortable..so I'll wait until you're ready."

Team was shocked by how gentle Win was being, but Win had misinterpreted what Team had meant.

He placed a hand on top of Win's "It's not that I'm not ready...I've been crying..a-and that.. i-its just gross."

Win chuckled and sat up, placing Team to his side as he got off the bed.


"I think I kept it..." Win mumbled.

"Kept what?" Team was looking at Win with curiosity.

"Where did I put that stupid thing?" Win said dodging Team's question.

Team started to slide off the bed to walk in Win's direction. "Win what are you looking for maybe I can hel-"

"AHA!" Win shuffled through the bottom cuboard of his wardrobe and grabbed something. Stuffing the mysterious object under his shirt, he stumbled his way back over to Team.

"What is it?" Team asked tugging at Win's t-shirt.

The biggest smile of the night widened across Win's face, as he pulled the object out from underneath his shirt.

Team just stared at it in utter disappointment. 


"What?" Win said while beginning to laugh as he held it up to his face.

"So you're telling me... you got up out of bed to find that?!"

"Yeah! Don't you remember it??" Win was genuinely proud of his discovery.

"How could I forget that monstrosity of a mistletoe!?! It looks like BROCCOLI!!!"

Win brought the mistletoe down from his face and cradled it in his arms like a newborn.

"Shhhhh... you'll hurt his feelings" Win said pouting and covering up the mistletoe's non-existent ears.

"Win. It's an inanimate object it cant hear, nor does it have feelings." Team crossed his arms.

"Ok fine... but this inanimate object has a name. MR. BROCCOLI!! And we must pay our respects ok?" Win placed his hand over his heart. "HE was the cause of our first kiss-kiss if I'm remembering correctly."

Team sighed in defeat. "Ok he did play a roll in that night..I admit." He raised his arms in surrender. "Wait! Where did you even get it? I was with you the entire time!?!"

"Uhhh..now that! is something I will never disclose! I'm taking that secret to my grave."

"You stole it from the coffee shop didn't you?" Team raised an eyebrow.

"I-...I stole it from the coffee shop." Win agreed nodding his head.

Team shook his head from left to right smirking a bit. Win finally sat down next to Team and lifted Mr. Broccoli above their heads. Team just faced him and sighed. He gave Win a slight peck on the cheek.

Win pouted. "Fine I'll accept that for now" He lifted his finger and waved it in Team's face. "but tomorrow....tomorrow is a different story." He finished his sentence with his signature cheeky smile.

Win turned around and placed Mr. Broccoli on the bedside table. He lied down and patted the place next to him, signaling for Team to lay down. Team crawled his way back across the bed and lied down next to Win.

"Are we actually gonna sleep this time?" Team asked.

Win's eyes went big "I-I mean..." he started to roll over closing the space between them.

"I didn't mean it like that!" Team squealed as he covered his face quickly with the blankets.

Win chuckled and pulled the blankets off of Team's face.

"I know. I was just teasing you. And yes. I have to get up in..." He turned to look at the clock that was sitting next to Mr. Broccoli . *3:28 am*

"roughly two hours—" he said facing back to Team, but to his surprise he had fallen asleep already.  Win smiled, he placed his head against his pillow and slowly  began to fade into sleep as well.


-"roughly two hours later"-


Team started to wake up. He opened his eyes briefly, then closed them. He patted the bed next to him. No Win. Team hurriedly opened his eyes again and sat up at lightning pace.

"Hey... you ok?" Win softly spoke. "What's wrong?"

And with that, all the worry in Team's body left. He rubbed his eyes. "Its nothing, I'm fine."

Team saw that Win was changing, he had a shirt sitting on his forearms, you could see all of his tattoos. He looked over at the clock on the nightstand. *5:02 am*

"Where are you going?"  Team asked, his voice a little husky.

"I have to swim some practice laps this morning with Dean. It should only take an hour, I wont be gone long." He said pulling the shirt over his head and slipping on some slides.

Win walked over to the bed leaning over it to leave a peck on Teams forehead.

"I"ll be back in a little. Go back to sleep, its barely been two hours, you need rest."

Team blinked slowly and nodded. He lied back down and closed his eyes.

A few seconds later he heard the sound of keys jangle, causing him to jolt up and face the door.

"Win!" Team shouted.

Win was in the doorway, he turned around in response to Team. "Hm?"

"Hair" Team said.


"Your hair.." Team pointed next to the table that sat near the door. There was a pile of hairbands on the corner.

Win laughed and licked his lips "Team... I'm just going to see Dean.."


"Team...you're not being serious..right??"

Team crossed his arms. "Do I look like I'm joking?"

Win pursed his lips and grabbed a hairband. "Fine...but only for you."

Team smiled in glory. "Tell Dean I said Hi!"

Team rolled back over and closed his eyes. He heard the door shut, he began to laugh to himself.


Team closed his eyes for what felt like only five seconds but had actually been about half an hour. He heard a knock at the door that woke him.

Team rolled out of bed and went to open the door. 'Is that Win? Why is he knocking on his own door?' he thought to himself has he reached for the doorknob.

When he opened the door, it wasn't Win standing there but instead a girl wearing their school uniform.

"Hi! I'm looking for Win. Is he here?"

~~~ok ok before you get upset with me... let me explain why ive been gone for almost 2 months... :))
~so university is starting back for me soon and ive been preparing myself  for my return so lately my adhd has been off the hooks (in other words my anxiety and adhd have been mixing and it has not the best combo if yk what i mean)... but for yo pplz! i powered through and managed to write this!! ;)

-hope you enjoy!!!  ALSO SORRY ITS KINDA SHORT ;0 forgive meh

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