19. dizzy

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Team and his friends just finished the exam and were walking to the canteen for lunch. Team felt awful. He was exhausted, hurting from earlier that morning and he was cold, shivering practically.

"Team are you sure you're ok? I can hear your teeth chattering from over here." Manaow said on Team's left after Pharm.

Team coughed. "I'm fine, really..so..please..just leave it"

Pulling down the sleeve of Dean's shirt, Team shivered as the afternoon breeze whisked by.

Manaow had a skeptical look on her face but nevertheless she let it go as the trio continued on their way.


Team and his friends had just sat down at their table when he felt a cold hand on the back of his neck. He flinched to the feeling and looked back to find his boyfriend smiling down at him.

"Did ya miss me?" Win said with his usual cocky look plastered on his face.

Win swung his leg over the bench, sitting down with one leg on either side facing Team.

Team in his desperate need to seem fine, didn't answer but simply just stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend.

Win chuckled and moved in closer to Team, wrapping his hands around his waist.

Team felt eyes on him. When he looked across the table, Dean was staring at him with the expression that said "Are you ok?" to which Team just nodded.

Win had his chin resting on Team's shoulder. Team turned his head when he heard Win sniffing him.

"Why do you smell like Dean's cologne?" Win said as he backed up a bit to get a better look at Team's face.

Team got nervous.

'Oh no..what do I say???'

Team tittered. "Don't you smell like me dummy? I met him earlier this morning and we talked a bit."

Dean cleared his throat and set his drink down on the table leaning forward on his elbows a bit. "Yeah sorry Win, I sprayed a bit too much this morning..guess it lingered."

Win nodded his head in an "Oh" type sense.

"Ao! You said you spilled coffee on your shirt and had to borrow Dean's spare" Manaow said with a confusion spread on her face.

Team's eyes grew big.

Win looked at Team again and squinted.

"That's not the shirt you were wearing when you left." Win said as he started inspecting the shirt with his hands.

Picking up the cloth on the back of Team's neck, Win looked at the tag. Dropping it Win spoke.

"Why are you wearing Dean's shirt?"

Team skittered his hands to the tag and pulled it where his eyes could reach. Dean's name was written clear as day on the tag.

Dean coughed, choking on his drink.

Win looked towards his friend with furrowed brows.

"Dean? Why's my boyfriend wearing your shirt?"

Team started to sweat when he saw Win poke his inner cheek with his tongue.

In a hurry to calm Win down, Team quickly grabbed Win's forearm.

"I just spilled coffee while I was studying and Dean let me borrow his spare shirt. It's no big deal." he said frantically shaking his head.

Win's brows met. "Then why didn't you just say that from the beginning. Both of you."

Team and Dean frantically looked at each other.

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