11. halo

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It was nearing 6 in the morning when the boys finally headed for Team's bedroom. They decided they would skip their morning classes together.

"Hold on." Win said taking his vibrating phone out of his back pocket. He headed off into the bathroom trying not to talk too loud.

Team ended up waiting for him under the blankets in his bed. Win walked back into the room placing his room on the nightstand.

"Who was it?" Team asked pulling back the corner of the covers making a spot of Win to lay.

"It was Dean. He was wondering if I was still up for practice laps this morning. But of course I told him no." Win told him as he removed his shirt over his head letting it fall to the floor.

Team zoned out, staring at his lover. Admiring every curve of his body. Once he managed to snap himself out of the daze he patted the sheets next to him, signaling for Win to get in bed.

"Were you just checking me out?" Win asked lifting the comforter up and getting under it.

"Wouldn't be the first time." Team shyly admitted opening his arms as a way of asking Win to hug him.

Win laughed pulling his partner into his embrace. Team's head rested on his bicep and his arms were wrapped around Win's body. He started tracing vertical lines up and down Win's bare back. Then he remembered Win's wing tattoos.

He looked up at Win's face. "Why wings?" he asked. He had been curious about them since the first time he saw Win at the swimming pool.

"Oh my tattoos?" Win responded resting his chin atop teams head.

"Mnm" He shook his head laying his hands flat on Win's back now only caressing it with his thumbs occasionally. It would sometimes give Win goosebumps because of Team's newly acquired ring.

"My mom has always called me her little angel with no wings, so when I came to be old enough to get a tattoo it was my first. Now I have my wings. Although when I showed her she was livid." Win chuckled."Then she started saying I was still missing my halo, so when my wings had finished fully healing I went back to the parlor and got a band around my arm. My halo. And lets just say she wasn't too happy about that one either."

Team smiled at the tale. "What about the others?"

"Oh the others I just got because I thought they looked cool.'' he said. Team could tell Win was clearly smiling just from how his voice sounded.

Team dug his face unto Win's chest and asked another question. "If I were to go get a tattoo would you come with me?"

"Of course" he said cupping Team's face with his free hand before continuing, "I can't have the artist going too rough and hurting my baby."

"Hey what did I say about calling me baby? Stop" Team said holding in a secret grin, careful not to encourage Win.

"Not gonna happen."

"Ok angel" Team murmured, trying to mock Win but instead he just looked untroubled and elated.

Win sighed, sounding as if he had just taken a fresh sip of alcohol. He tightened his arms around Team. "I wouldn't mind be called that by you, I think I could get used to hearing it."

"Stupid" Team laughed.

"You can call me that too I don't care as long as I'm with you."

Team pulled back slightly to look at his boyfriend's face. "If you start to sweet talk everyone like this they'll start to fall even more head of heels for you than they already are."

"Is that so?" Win said returning Team's gaze.

"Yes" Team nodded looking back and forth into both of Win's eyes individually.

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