12. life

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Manaow and Team were walking down the halls to their next class when Team noticed something was off.

"Manaow..Is there something on my face?" he asked touching his cheek to feel if anything was there.

"Uhhh, No. Why?" she turned to him.

"Everyone is staring at us. At me."

She patted his back laughing. "Team, you're wearing Win's swim team hoodie. It has his name on the back."

"Oh! Really?" Team tried to get a good look at it and in turn ended up looking like a cat chasing it's tail. "Wow. I never knew we had these. Where's mine?" he pouted.

"It's from when I was a freshie. They quit giving them out after that." Win said lovingly, walking up to his boyfriend with Dean and Pharm by his side.. "But you can keep mine. It looks better on you." he winked.

"So that's really why they were all staring at me. Because I'm wearing Win's hoodie?" Team stated ignoring his boyfriend.

"Yeah I wore Dean's one day and I had to take it off after only a few hours because I couldn't take being stared at for the rest of school." Pharm remarked, sympathizing with Team.

"Just over a hoodie? What about when you guys hold hands?" Team asked.

"Well it's a bit different now. Everything has dialed down now that we're official and people are used to seeing us together." Pharm replied.

This intrigued Team.

"Hm...Let's see." Team said smirking as he interlocked hands with Win.

They all looked around. People weren't just staring, now they were whispering as well.

This all made Team very curious. "Hmm..And if I do this?"

Win froze. Team was only inches away from his face, holding the nape of his neck.

Team paused in that same position and peaked at the crowd around them. People had whipped out their phones now. Team chuckled and dropped his hand stepping back.

He took a look at his frozen lover. He smiled and turned away to Manaow.

He grabbed her hand. "Run. Before he snaps back into reality and tries to actually kiss me in front of all these people" he whispered. 

Manaow giggled at her crazy friend and started to jog off.


"Yeah see you tomorrow" Team laughed waving bye to his friend from class. 

Then he bumped into someone due to not paying attention. "Sorry" he said as he looked up.

'Oh crap!' He thought to himself after seeing the person standing before him.


Team picked up his phone and pretended to get a call. "Hello? Ah yes, I have some time. Where should we mee-" He tried walking around Win but Win snatched his phone away.

"Nice try Team, but it's not gonna work."

Team shrugged "It was worth a shot." He looked down at his feet, avoiding all eye contact.

Win smirked but Team didn't see. "Why so shy all of a sudden? You seemed pretty confident a few hours ago."

"Im sorry...I-" Team started to apologize but he heard someone laugh. He looked up to see Win grinning and trying to hold back his laughter.

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