3. cute

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"Team..whats wrong?" Win asked again. He was filled with so much worry, seeing Team like this made his heart ache.

Team kept silent until-

*cRaCKKkkKKk* lightning struck followed with a loud rumble.

Team yelped as his knees gave out. He fell to the ground covering his ears, and he started crying again. His breathing became faster...he was hyperventilating.

Win started panicking. He didn't know what to do so he just did the first thing that popped in his head. Win lowered himself and positioned his hands under Team's arms and put them around his neck. Win picked him up which caused Team to tighten his grip around Win's neck and wrap his legs around his waist. Win now had his boyfriend in his arms and he turned, closing the door with his foot.

Win walked over to his bed and sat down at the edge. Team didn't let go so he just sat there in Win's lap. Win was lightly rubbing circles on Team's back to calm him down. Team's breathing started to slow but he didn't want to move. He just nestled his face in the nook of Win's neck, tightening his grip even more. Win just kept rubbing his back to soothe him.

After a few minutes of sitting like this, Team let out a big huff. He sat up straight, removing his head from Win's neck and relaxing his hands. Win leaned back a little to look at Team. He stopped rubbing his back and just rested his hands on Team's love handles.

"Are you ok..?" Win's voice was so soft, it was like he was talking to a baby.

Team looked up and made eye contact with Win, but shied away and looked back down.

"Storms..scare me..." Team replied with such innocence it almost made Win lose his composure, but he controlled himself.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Win started softly smiling, and it made Team feel at peace.. he was starting to forget all about the storm.

"I-..." Team started to answer but was interrupted.

"You don't have to push yourself to tell me...You wanna lay down?" Team looked back up at Win, shock in his eyes. "Hm?" Win hummed tilting his head to the side. Team just shook his head yes instead of answering with words.

Win twisted his body slightly lifting Team from his lap and laying him down on the bed, then he stood up and walked to the other side of the bed to lay down. Win got under the covers and placed them on Team next to him.

A wave of surprise hit Win, when Team had moved closer and wrapped his arms around him. Win just smiled and hugged him back.

Team looked up at Win and whispered "cute" as he shyly smiled to himself.


'Shoot' Team thought 'He heard me.' He mentally facepalmed.       

"Nothing" Team said whilst trying to turn around to face the wall, but Win's hands on his waist were preventing him.

"You said I was cute" Win said, his words glowing almost as much as his face was with happiness. He was smiling so big.

"No I didn't..."

"Yes you did! Don't lie!" Win was laughing a little, his words were filled with so much joy.

"So? What does it matter if I did??" Team finally met Win's gaze. Win's eyes looked so bubbly they almost caused Team to melt.

Win just giggled and brought Team closer. Thats when Team lost total control over his hand. He just started running his fingers through Win's hair. Win's smile got even bigger. They stayed like this for a little until Team finally spoke.

"Your hair...looks..cute..when its down.." Team was speaking extremely softly. He was mainly talking to himself, but he also wanted Win to hear.

Win once again laughed. "Then I'll wear it down from now on."

"No! You're not allowed to!" Team started to panic.

"But you just said-"

"Only in front of me... You're not allowed to let anyone else see..." Team said in a hurry.

Win laughed through his nose. He brought one of his hands off of Team's waist and placed it on his cheek, so Team would look at him.

"Why can't anyone else see? Hm? Its just hair." Team sat up and snapped his had back looking at Win, giving him the death stare of a lifetime.

Win sat up next to him, he started holding Team's hands that were sitting in his lap.

"Yeah its just hair but like I said it looks...cute, and people will start hitting on you!! BUT! You're........" Team mumbled the last bit, and Win didn't hear.

"What'd you say? You mumbled the end so I couldn't hear...I'm....?"

Team pouted and said it again. "You're........."

"What? Team I still didn't hear-"

"YOU'RE MY BOYFRIEND!" Team yelled and as soon as he did he covered his mouth with his hands. He didn't mean to be that dramatic.

Win, once again, just laughed. He lied back down and pulled Team with him to where his head was resting on Win's chest.

It thundered again, causing Team to begin to slightly tremble. In response, Win started caressing Team's arm to comfort him. Win just looked down at Team's face.

"Can you say it again?" Win whispered.

Team put a hand on Win's chest and lifted himself up so he could look Win in the eyes.

"Say what again? You're cute?" Team asked lifting his eyebrows. Win smirked, showing a bit of teeth.

"No. Can you say... that I'm your boyfriend? Just once?"


"Because I still feel like this is all a dream.." Win looked up at Team and placed his hand on his lower back.

Team sighed and brought his hand to Win's cheek, he started to gently caress it with his thumb.

"Win, you are my boyfriend. We are dating now, and its not a dream."

Win smiled big. He used the hand that was resting on Team's back to bring him closer. Now their faces were inches apart. Win raised his other hand and placed it on the nape of Team's neck. Win went to kiss him when Team pushed against his chest, and turned his head to the side.


oop~ another cliffhanger ik :) dont hate me
anyways this took me a bit more time than expected to write, and i had intentions on ending the chapter after a completely different part (aka i was gonna make it longer) but i didnt want to leave you guys hanging too much from the last part. so im making the 1 chapter i had in mind now 2 chapters :)

also i want to thank the ppl who voted for my story one again. it really means a lot to me.

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