10. monster

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"Huh?" Win said, his face seemed to have gotten even brighter than it was before.

'Oh my god! You said that out loud you idiot!' Team cursed himself in his head.

Win was grinning from ear to ear making Team even more nervous. He finally managed to get his feet that had been glued to the floor moving and started to walk into the living area.

When he turned back to see if Win was following him he was suddenly pushed onto the couch. Win was now on top of him straddling his legs.

"Ah! Win!" Team yelped pushing up against his partners shoulders.

"Please say it again." Wim pleaded as he brought his hands to the back of Teams head and ran his fingers through his hair. It sent shivers running through Team's entire body.

"S-Say what again?"    Team stuttered acing like he didn't know what Win was talking about.

"You know what" Win said taking his hands out of Team's hair and sliding them down to rest on the nape of Team's neck.

"Um I-I love...th-the ring" Team swallowed.

Win exhaled hanging his head. "Fine, I'll take that...For now.." he said leaving a gentle peck on Team's collarbone before hopping off of his lap.

Win sat next to Team and began to speak again. "So are you gonna tell me what happened in your dream?"

Team looked at Win and lied once more. "I told you I don't remember."

"Bull" Win said leaning back on the couches arm. "I'm not leaving until you tell me what it was about. Why'd you cry?"

"I didn't cry. And It was just a normal nightmare, you know? The ones with monsters and stuff." he said lying through his teeth again. He lowered his gaze and started rolling Win's ring around his thumb.

"Was the monster me?" Win said in a soft manner. The question made Team feel guilty. He stayed quiet as Win continued.

"I heard you scream my name.." Team jerked his head up looking into his boyfriends sorrowful eyes.


Win moved in closer grabbing ahold of Teams wrists. He uncurled the clenched fist and started lightly stroking the indentions on his palm that Team had created with his nails.

"I almost broke down you're door you had me so worried, but then I heard you up and walking so I assumed you were fine. And when you opened the door I pretended to be asleep." he explained.


"What did I do? How did I hurt you" Win intertwined his fingers in the hand he was holding.

Team bit his upper lip. "The Win in my dream wasn't the Win I know." he shook his head not looking at Win.

"Tell me what this guy did and I'll beat his ass." Win said earning a laugh from Team.

"Win...just promise me something.." Team said turning to his partner.

"Anything" Win grabbed his other hand and now held both of them in his.

"Don't leave me ok?"

"Never" Win said placing a warm and tender kiss on Team's lips, before retreating he whispered 'I love you' for the second time now.

Team lets go of Win's hands and throws his arms up around Win's neck not letting him go. Win's eyes widen.

"Team.." Win's breath quickened.

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