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December 6, 2017

Wednesday night.

I can't sleep.

My dad is still not home while I'm having a movie marathon in my house.

What happened yesterday is crazy.

I saw him on my way back to my house, It's the first time.

He's reading a book and an spectacles like what I used to see.

His hair is back to wavy dark brown, which I really like for him.

I like his nerdy style than when he's wearing a designer clothes.

It's more appealing to me.

He don't have a pinned name on the pocket of his polo so I still don't know his name.

The door suddenly open and it was my dad.

He doesn't smell alcohol but he looks horrible.

I know he work too much again.

Did he ever get home yesterday?

He saw me on the living room and just greet me with a kiss on the forehead murmuring a goodnight before heading to his room.

I'm worried about his health.

He's being too much to his self.

I hope he takes a rest too.

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