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October 19, 2017

I'm sitting on the train station bench, waiting for my train to come while listening to my playlist.

It's kind a windy today since winter is slowly approaching the city and it reminds me of my mom who sadly died on the first fall of snow.

I saw a kid playing with his ball toy, excited and a gullible smile is shown on his small face.

His mom is busy talking someone on her phone while he's enjoying on playing.

A loud groan distracted me on looking at the kid. An old lady having trouble walking on the steps of stairs is the owner of it.

Removing my earphones, putting my bag aside I help the old lady which she payed with a thank you and a big smile.

We reach the platform and relief that my bag is still there. One last time, the old lady thanked me as I just bow my head with a smile when she slowly left.

The platform is slowly shaking, sign that the train is coming. I immediately took my bag and hang it on my shoulder.

The train is near but my eyes caught the kid following the ball that got loose out of his hand.

He's near at the edge of the platform.

I immediately ran and pick him up, letting the ball fall on to the railway.

Exact time that the train came.

He look at me, clueless and just staring.

His mother immediately take the kid hugging it tightly. Mumbling something that inaudible.

"Thank you so much." she uttered before entering the train.

I blink my eyes to recall what just happened but soon cut off when a lady cleared her throat intentionally since I'm blocking the entrance.

Murmuring a sorry before also entering the train. I sat on the empty seat and saw the kid crying on his mom. Maybe because he don't have any toy to play with anymore.

Letting out a sigh before turning my gaze in front of me to look what's on the outside but there's a guy with a book on his hand, wearing spectacles.

He has a wavy dark brown hair which I found strange and interesting since he's wearing a student uniform and mostly schools only allow black hair for student.

I didn't knew that I was looking at him for ten minutes, by the sudden announcement of the place where my school was located.

Standing up from my seat, I slowly walk to the door.

Before leaving, I look at him again.

Wondering what's his name.

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