398 41 15


February 14, 2018

I knocked on his door but he didn't answered.

"You need to eat."

He's not eating for almost a week.

I'm very worried for his health.

I sighed before deciding to use the spare key of his room.

With a tray on my hand, I open the door widely.

I saw him sitting on his bed with a sob.

"You need to eat, Tae."

He didn't said anything but I can hear his sobs.

"I know it's hard but it's for you and her safety."

"Am I a threat to her?"

"No, but she don't know what's happening."

"Then let me tell her." he stood up but didn't face me.


He turn silent for a second before pushing his lamp causing for it to break.

It's returning.

"Leave!" he shouted.

I put the tray on his bed before running outside to lock his door.

It's worse than before.

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