453 33 0


February 27, 2018

I'm with Taehyung today.

I want him to get some fresh air even though I know it's dangerous.

"How about a pomeranian?" he suggested after taking a sip on his ice tea.

"Shall we?" I smile that he change with a giggle.

We head to the pet store where we will adopt a dog.

The lady assisting us keep on hitting up with him and I just want to knock her out but I just tried to ignore it.

As we pick a dog that caught both of our attention, we left the shop immediately.

I don't like the girl.

"What do you think we should name him?" he ask, lifting the dog.

"His fur color looks like a bear. How about kuma?"

"Kuma?" he furrowed his eyebrows but change into a giggle. "I like it."

He's smile is so pure.

I just hope that I could see it more often.


I'm still playing with the dog but still replied with a hum.

"You'll wait for me right?"

I stopped for a moment before looking into his eyes.

It's full of untold message.

He slowly lean forward until I could feel his breathing in my lips.

As soon as his lips landed on mine, it give me chills and euphoric feeling that was so hard to explain.

The happiness.

All I could think in this moment is to not end.

I don't want this feeling to fade.

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