407 39 0


December 27, 2017

He invite me to snowboarding.

I'm not really good at it since I only played with sled back when I'm a kid.

Usually, dad will do snowboarding while I play with sled.

Mom will just watch us at the end of the track, drinking her hot chocolate.

Everything really change.

If only I could go back in time.

"Jen, you ready?"

I quickly turn my head after hearing his voice.

I shook my head and showed him the shoes that I can't wear.

"It's too tight."

He laughs before sitting in front of me.

He fix the lace before offering it for me to wear.

Sliding in my feet, I curse my self for being so stupid.

We both took the snowboard we rent.

The whole place is not crowded like usual.

I like it.

We reach the top and he teach me how to stand properly and some necessary things that I didn't mind to hear.

I'm too excited.

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